The Nature of Reviews (ME, GTA4, TH etc)

I think it is also interesting who gets which games to review. A sports guy reviewing Ratchett on GameSpot, or an intern reviewing Time Crisis 4, it's ... interesting. But of course I can't say whether or not this means special treatment in any way to one particular platform. Still, I'm somewhat surprised, to say the least, how such normally to be considered big titles are handled. Even if Time Crisis 4 really sucks (which I'm not buying, the reviewer really doesn't know anything about the game at this point, including that the meat of the home versions is actually in the bonus material and the Time Trials, not the main game at all, which yes, does get more and more credits each time you attempt it, and boy do I wish I could post on - how long does it take before you can post?? signed up weeks ago - to set things straight there)

Anyway, I'm ranting. But designing (or actually working out, I already designed it) a great and useful review system that helps overcome impartiality, allows for users taking into account personal preference, and stands the test of time, is one of my big wishes. I just wish I had more time. :(
I don't know about that. They certainly seem a lot more consistent than others on this particular game. Seeing as how they noted running into a lot more problems (particularly a few that affect you during gameplay) than Gametrailers, it seems only normal that their score would be lower. It's certainly a far cry from IGN's review which harped on the flaws more than anyone else and even mentioned a few bugs they ran into which, if discovered during TCR review would definitely have constituted a failure, but somehow they still gave the game a 9.4.

Edge which has a reputation for strong reviews has given it a 7, so maybe the other reviews were overly generous?
I think it is also interesting who gets which games to review. A sports guy reviewing Ratchett on GameSpot, or an intern reviewing Time Crisis 4, it's ... interesting. But of course I can't say whether or not this means special treatment in any way to one particular platform.

I've always considered that the best way to deal with this would be to make sure an enthusiast of the genre reviews each game accordingly..

Afterall you're reviewing a title for the benefit of those interested in making a purchase & nobody who wasn't interested in that genre would have taken interests otherwise..
Edge which has a reputation for strong reviews has given it a 7, so maybe the other reviews were overly generous?

I think when 90% of the reviews give it an average of a 9.5, you should not listen to the 10% that give it an 8, because that might simply be personal taste getting in the way of their judgement.
I think when 90% of the reviews give it an average of a 9.5, you should not listen to the 10% that give it an 8, because that might simply be personal taste getting in the way of their judgement.

Edge is generally more reliable than a lot of magazines/sites. It doesnt throw around high scores (Uncharted only got an 8). To me one solid review is worth 100 throwaway high scores. I'm not neccessarily saying that this is the case here, but I think Mass Effect looks like a good game but has a whiff of overratedness about it, reflected by Edge's score.
I think the difference between a 9.5 & an 8 is personal taste..:cool:

Honestly, the difference between a 8 and 9.5 with this game, is how much do you apreciate story telling??

If you really like deep storytelling this is a >9 game easily, since it sets a new standard for storytelling in games. However, if that's not your thing, then it's somewhere between 8 or 9 depending on how much you enjoy the combat.
Edge is generally more reliable than a lot of magazines/sites. It doesnt throw around high scores (Uncharted only got an 8). To me one solid review is worth 100 throwaway high scores. I'm not neccessarily saying that this is the case here, but I think Mass Effect looks like a good game but has a whiff of overratedness about it, reflected by Edge's score.

Apparantly, Bladestorm is a better game since it got an 8. I have no idea how that is even possible. All said and done Edge is still one opinion. Not sure how crediting them for giving a low score vs discrediting other sites giving the same game a higher score makes a lot of sense.

Sites such as metacritic giving an average of all reviews is better IMO. Since it factors in the highs and lows.
Just wanted to add, since we're talking about review desparity, take a look at the Assassin's Creed scores for PS3.

The game, as of now, is nigh unplayable with graphical glitches abound, and near constant freezing issues. How the game got above a 5 is anyone's guess.
Just wanted to add, since we're talking about review desparity, take a look at the Assassin's Creed scores for PS3.

The game, as of now, is nigh unplayable with graphical glitches abound, and near constant freezing issues. How the game got above a 5 is anyone's guess.'s creed's creed

And yet the PS3 version has a higher Metacritic score ;) Possibly the PS3-exclusive sites were more lenient on the faults given the (comparatively-)thin library?

As much as both sides cry "bias" every now and then, all these things are just problems when being human trying to run a business - which is was the game sites we read are. Sometimes you have someone who isn't ideal to do the work while your subject matter expert may be otherwise occupied. Try running a business or team with anything more than a handful of people and you'll see what I mean.
Heh, that's actually my point. The PS3 version has many many many more problems than the 360 version, and arguing that "a patch is forthcoming" is downright folly.

PS3 is still waiting for a patch for R6 Vegas that ubisoft never released.
I use review scores as follows: I read a couple of glowing (i.e. high scoring / above average) reviews for the positive points about the game, and a couple of low scoring reviews for issues. This, together with the average Metacritic score, allows me to get a good impression of strengths and flaws of the game. These I can check against my own preferences to see if it's a game I should get or not.

GameInformer: 6.75 out of 10; second opinion: 7.0
Games Magazine (Greece): 93 out of 100
Neo+ Magazine (Poland): 8.5 out of 10
Maxim (Russia): 5 out of 5

I wonder if Game informer will be the lowest review score here in the west
All those mags quoted except GI are mainstream mags who would rate Lair 9/10.

GameInformer doesn't have a great track record, either. It's fairly alarming that it scored Too Human so low. (Apparently, by GI's standards 7 is average.)

Is Russian Maxim the same sort of magazine as US Maxim?
GameInformer doesn't have a great track record, either. It's fairly alarming that it scored Too Human so low. (Apparently, by GI's standards 7 is average.)

Is Russian Maxim the same sort of magazine as US Maxim?

Yes except they put the chicks from Tatu naked on their cover while pregnat . You can't not trust a review from a company like that
Yes except they put the chicks from Tatu naked on their cover while pregnat . You can't not trust a review from a company like that

Ok, I'm confused. You're the one who quote the Russian Maxum score but now you're saying you can't trust them? Why did you bother in the first place then?
Ok, I'm confused. You're the one who quote the Russian Maxum score but now you're saying you can't trust them? Why did you bother in the first place then?

Because the Gaf thread has them listed I suspect, I bet the OP added these strange reviews because the score was high. GI is the only mainstream review out ATM.

GI is normally high (Assassin's Creed 9.5), but once in a while they go a bit lower than average (Uncharted 8.75).