The most freaking stupid thing a scientist could do

ndoogoo said:
It is different rules now. Natural selection of the modern age would kill off the honest hard working folk, and keep the ruthless, devious, liars that would sell the granny for a buck people.

Why would that be different? Any old times bastard would rule all us weaklings, who think other things are important than personal power by just killing everyone who disagrees. Like, global warming, being nice to one another or social security and all that.

Any true Capitalistic individual feels in his or her bones that all of that is only so much crap to keep the masses satisfied and offers opportunities aplenty for the devious. Like the current version of the Roman bread and games. In most of our history, many people lived like our current RPG's and FPS'es (although not the ones with guns), and without the magic or save and reload to heal up or try again afterwards. They just died. Like all other animals.

That magic and those second chances have a replacement nowadays: we call it science and progress. And the way we are able to live together on this planet with six billion of us we call tolerance and civilization.

The main part of civilization is, that we all take good care of one another; by protecting the innocent, curing the sick and bringing down the ruthlessly power hungry.
DiGuru said:
The main part of civilization is, that we all take good care of one another; by protecting the innocent, curing the sick and bringing down the ruthlessly power hungry.

That may be true on an individual basis, but it falls apart at large scale.
epicstruggle said:
london-boy said:
The use of this research should be banned full stop.

What, like embreonic stem cell research should be banned cause they use unborn babies?
Ive corrected the above sentence. Ive never heard of someone wanting to ban adult stem cell research, which by the way has had the most medical breakthroughs.


Dude, *I* correct *my* sentences. Thankyouverymuch.
ndoogoo said:
DiGuru said:
The main part of civilization is, that we all take good care of one another; by protecting the innocent, curing the sick and bringing down the ruthlessly power hungry.

That may be true on an individual basis, but it falls apart at large scale.

Well, yes and no. The people, as in mob, likes it when their leaders proclaim them to be the best. Duh. Double-take, of course.

But in essence: it is like this (and yes, that still exists on the largest scale, between countries):



"Sir! We have a problem!"

"Kill them."

"But, Sir! There is..."

"Kill ALL of them."


"Do I have to repeat myself?"

"Eh, Sir! No, Sir! Yes, Sir! Consider it done!"

"And don't make me hear anyone telling lies about this! I want them dead before I hear about it."

"Yes, SIR!"

And that is the difference with civilized folk. They don't do that. For many reasons. Which is the whole point: there being many reasons why you shouldn't just have anyone killed who might disagree, and everyone else as well, just to make sure.

Because, if you do, there isn't much that can be done to stop you. You aren't hampered by petty concerns.



"We've got a situation! A few terrorists are holding a whole skyscraper hostage! Thousands of people!"

"Destroy it."


"Do it."

"But, Sir! People might object!"

"Level the first city that has people complaining. Was that all?"

"Yes, Sir! It will be done!"

"You have one hour."


And what would you do about taxes, you might ask? Just like all the historic warlords. Just kill a whole village and burn it down each year, just to make an example. That works extremely well.
london-boy said:
epicstruggle said:
london-boy said:
The use of this research should be banned full stop.

What, like embreonic stem cell research should be banned cause they use unborn babies?
Ive corrected the above sentence. Ive never heard of someone wanting to ban adult stem cell research, which by the way has had the most medical breakthroughs.


Dude, *I* correct *my* sentences. Thankyouverymuch.
Well it still hasnt, so ill keep you on your toes. :) When it comes to stem cell research, people like to muddy the water to win the argument. So when i saw that particular line i had to correct it since no one i know of is actually against stem cell research, but only embrionic stem cell research. :devilish:

epicstruggle said:
london-boy said:
epicstruggle said:
london-boy said:
The use of this research should be banned full stop.

What, like embreonic stem cell research should be banned cause they use unborn babies?
Ive corrected the above sentence. Ive never heard of someone wanting to ban adult stem cell research, which by the way has had the most medical breakthroughs.


Dude, *I* correct *my* sentences. Thankyouverymuch.
Well it still hasnt, so ill keep you on your toes. :) When it comes to stem cell research, people like to muddy the water to win the argument. So when i saw that particular line i had to correct it since no one i know of is actually against stem cell research, but only embrionic stem cell research. :devilish:


I second that.

And BTW, we are sure that an easy life is a happy life, are we?...
DiGuru said:
Shogun said:
and raise you with negatively charge strangelet bomb manufacture...

Now THAT gets the first price of being toyally freaking stupid! They go on with it, because the chance they totally destroy the Earth by accident is very small? I really hope we're lucky.
Hmm, the cosmic ray counter-argument in the linked page looks suspect - AFAIK, the most energetic cosmic rays don't have "approximately the same" energy as the gold-gold collision described, but about 7 or so orders of magnitude higher.
arjan de lumens said:
DiGuru said:
Shogun said:
and raise you with negatively charge strangelet bomb manufacture...

Now THAT gets the first price of being toyally freaking stupid! They go on with it, because the chance they totally destroy the Earth by accident is very small? I really hope we're lucky.
Hmm, the cosmic ray counter-argument in the linked page looks suspect - AFAIK, the most energetic cosmic rays don't have "approximately the same" energy as the gold-gold collision described, but about 7 or so orders of magnitude higher.

Even if they have much more energy, those collisions happen in interstellar space. There aren't much atoms around there they could absorb in time to stabilize.

I mean, the risk might be really very small, or so they think, as nobody really knows, but if we are very unlucky, the whole Earth and every human alive would dissapear within days, without any way to stop it! And the more collisions occur, the higher the chance...

So, while the risk is very small, the danger is gigantic.

I rather hope they have it totally wrong and such a thing wouldn't happen anyway.
DiGuru said:
arjan de lumens said:
DiGuru said:
Shogun said:
and raise you with negatively charge strangelet bomb manufacture...

Now THAT gets the first price of being toyally freaking stupid! They go on with it, because the chance they totally destroy the Earth by accident is very small? I really hope we're lucky.
Hmm, the cosmic ray counter-argument in the linked page looks suspect - AFAIK, the most energetic cosmic rays don't have "approximately the same" energy as the gold-gold collision described, but about 7 or so orders of magnitude higher.

Even if they have much more energy, those collisions happen in interstellar space. There aren't much atoms around there they could absorb in time to stabilize.
Nope. Such rays as I described are observed on a regular basis well on their way into Earth's atmosphere, where they collide with Earth's air molecules, cause a veritable shower of whatever particles result from a 10^20 electron-volt collision, and actually produce a glimmer of light strong enough to be observable with an ordinary optical telescope.
arjan de lumens said:
Nope. Such rays as I described are observed on a regular basis well on their way into Earth's atmosphere, where they collide with Earth's air molecules, cause a veritable shower of whatever particles result from a 10^20 electron-volt collision, and actually produce a glimmer of light strong enough to be observable with an ordinary optical telescope.

Ok. Sounds good. That makes me feel a lot safer. 8)

Btw, isn't most of the spectacular light effect due to the particle becoming a tachyon temporarily when it hits the atmosphere (lower local speed of light) and starts bleeding off speed as Cherenkov radiation, which is absorbed by other particles, who emit light when they fall back to a lower energy state? I think that is a more constant visual thing than the decay of the particles produced by collisions with other atoms. That's what I was thinking, but I might be wrong.
DiGuru said:
arjan de lumens said:
Nope. Such rays as I described are observed on a regular basis well on their way into Earth's atmosphere, where they collide with Earth's air molecules, cause a veritable shower of whatever particles result from a 10^20 electron-volt collision, and actually produce a glimmer of light strong enough to be observable with an ordinary optical telescope.

Ok. Sounds good. That makes me feel a lot safer. 8)

Btw, isn't most of the spectacular light effect due to the particle becoming a tachyon temporarily when it hits the atmosphere (lower local speed of light) and starts bleeding off speed as Cherenkov radiation, which is absorbed by other particles, who emit light when they fall back to a lower energy state? I think that is a more constant visual thing than the decay of the particles produced by collisions with other atoms. That's what I was thinking, but I might be wrong.
Yes, that's basically what happens; the phenomenon is called an 'Air Shower'
10^20eV is a gob-smacking amount of energy for a sub-atomic particle to have. 10^20eV = 10 Joule, which is what... about as much energy as a tennis ball would have when hitting the ground after falling of a table.
nutball said:
10^20eV is a gob-smacking amount of energy for a sub-atomic particle to have. 10^20eV = 10 Joule, which is what... about as much energy as a tennis ball would have when hitting the ground after falling of a table.

Is the table in outer space?
kiler, I think this thread is the stupidest argument you've ever put forth.

You should read Prey by Michael Chrichton. You're both gullible and naive enough to believe all the bullshit it spreads about self-replicating nanobots.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Those nanites can't tell the difference between skin and metal.

I support stem cell research, this research is very different.
While it may be innocent now, in future you can bet your ass that some conservative prick like Bush is going to attempt to use nanites as "biological" weapons.

You couldn't kill them using any medicine, you would need a damn large EMP pulse to do so.

Why doomsday theories? What do you know about the global implications of this technology? I think you should be more afraid of communicable germs/viruses than "Grey Death" nanite infections :rolleyes: :LOL:
So does this mean your opinion differs from mine?

I mean hey, if you don't respect the opinions of others then why should anyone respect yours?

Mintmaster said:
kiler, I think this thread is the stupidest argument you've ever put forth.

You should read Prey by Michael Chrichton. You're both gullible and naive enough to believe all the bullshit it spreads about self-replicating nanobots.

Why doomsday theories? What do you know about the global implications of this technology? I think you should be more afraid of communicable germs/viruses than "Grey Death" nanite infections

Have you even played Deus Ex? It's a very realistic possibility in 3-6 thousand years from now.