The most embarrassing stunts you ever pulled.....


1) Attempted to emulate my uncle shaving. I didn't have any mustache/beard hair so I instead took off my left eyebrow. It took 3 months for it to grow back. I was 9 years old.

2) Took Lysol advertising a bit too literally. Kill germs on contact you say? Should work really well on my ass after I take a sh!t. No more toilet paper!

"It Burns!!!!" doesn't begin to describe it. I was 7 years old.

Let's hear yours. :D
Going over to a hot girl surrounded by a group of girlfriends in a club and saying "I'd love to f**k you right here, if it only wasn't for all these people watching". While they all started ROTFL'ing, I stayed calm and just smiled. I really have no idea how or why I could pull this off since I'm really not THAT outgoing and relaxed, it was a strike of genious and those couple of coctails I had before were also helpful I guess. I don't know if I could pull it off like that again, it was probably a one of a kind thing.

We ended up in my car some 20 minutes later, though - after she followed me to the toilets! :cool:
One of my most embarrassing stunts:

Accidentally knocking down a wooden wall at a friend's house at the tender age of 9.

The most embarrassing stunt I've personally witnessed:

The said friend jumped into a bush in an eager attempt to impress some girls. Outcome: The doctor had to stitch his scrotum :LOL: Age: 9
Natoma said:
Attempted to emulate my uncle shaving. I didn't have any mustache/beard hair

You still don't! :LOL:

so I instead took off my left eyebrow. It took 3 months for it to grow back. I was 9 years old.

Must have watched too many 50's movies with those freaky women shaving off their eyebrows... eww....

Took Lysol advertising a bit too literally. Kill germs on contact you say? Should work really well on my ass after I take a sh!t. No more toilet paper!

"It Burns!!!!" doesn't begin to describe it. I was 7 years old.

:LOL: :LOL: And you haven't felt anything there ever since!!!
John Reynolds said:
Hey, the thread title says embarrassing stunts, not how I scored ass from some bar slut. :p

She was not a slut by any means!!! :!:

And I'd definitely call this a stunt. Also, the situation WAS quite embarassing!
A new family moved into one of the house in the village. I was maybe 14 years or something. So we were invited over to their place. The youngest daugther in the new family had some birds, which she showed us. She told us to be careful and not show our hands too much as the birds supposedly were afraid of hands. As she said that, just as a joke I was going to lift my hand a bit and make a spooky sound, very carefully of course. Having my hands in my pockets and having tight jeans on, the hand came up a bit more quickly than planned as I pulled it out of the pocket, and naturally I smashed it right into the birdcage. The birds went totally nuts ... :oops:
kinda mild but..

We had just read A Raisin In The Sun in English class which was about a black family living in the ghettos during the 1930's and it was a very serious book about how the family all wanted to achieve their very different dreams. We had to give a presentation on it and these were a few of my notes:

• Whether or not dreams can be unselfish depends on whether it addresses a need to not be worse or if it is meant to address a need to be better. If your dreams measure relativity with tact, then they are not selfish. If your dreams measure tact with relativity, then they are both selfish and amoral.

• Dreams are only personally driven if they compare enlightenment to harmony.

• A dream that I have been forced to relinquish is to sleep during class.

• What I would have to do to accomplish my dreams in the short term future is doing well in school. In the long term future, I would have to learn how to be more of a mentor and mediator in order to provide any worthwhile introspection into my dreams.

What I said my dream was was to sleep in class and how that wasn't a selfish dream (I was joking about the whole presentation)...however, the rest of the class was saying these extremely depressing stories about some sort of hardship they had in their life and then I (one of the last people to go up) gave a presentation about how I wanted to sleep in class and I said it with the most deadpan voice possible. The class laughed though, so it was fun.:cool: :D
I have made many stunts but none of them are embarrassing.
I pulled my pants down in public and started urinating on chairs, everyone was trying not to look.
One day in class, the kid sitting next to me hadn't heard what we were supposed to be doing so he asked me. He had been a jerk to me earlier in the year, so I decided to quickly quoted Calvin and Hobbes to him by saying, "If you didn't hear than you don't deserve to know." Unfortunately, my teacher was standing right behind us when I said it. :oops:

I was 8 years old.

I cannot believe I actually said that in retrospect. I never do that kind of stuff, and I hate being seen as an asshole. :oops:
Didn't really happen to me but...

Just had another one a few hours ago. My brother (18 and with a driver's license) was in the passenger seat teaching our friend (14 with no driver's license) how to drive better with stick shift around downtown Berkely somewhere near Telegraph. Our friend already had a lot of experience with stick shift and just wanted to have some fun with it, however, he got pulled over. He did a rolling stop past a stop sign at 3 miles per hour and didn't see the cop behind him. The cop asked for his license, he said that he didn't have it with him at the time. The cop asks some more questions, and when he asks how old my friend who's driving is, my friend realizes that there's no way he can lie about his age since the cop can check that so he admits that he's 14 and has no driver's license. The cop asks, "Can I ask you a stupid question, why did you bullshit me earlier?"...we were pretty relieved at how nice the cop was being to us. He could have arrested us, but he didn't even call my friend's parents and said that he'll let the courts mail them the court notice themselves by monday at the earliest (courts are closed over the weekend) and have my friend tell them himself. I guess not being drunk or high while driving (he was staring really hard into my friend's eyes to see if he was high) really makes cops be nice to you...
london-boy said:
:LOL: :LOL: And you haven't felt anything there ever since!!!

Welp...he tried...and tried.....and tried...all kinds of shapes and sizes.....still trying but nothing

j/k :LOL:
nintenho said:
I guess not being drunk or high while driving (he was staring really hard into my friend's eyes to see if he was high) really makes cops be nice to you...

No. That's just a REALLY nice cop.
I said survivor was gay in front of my aunt who is a lesbian, that is what happens when you hear that sort of thing to much heh. Anyway that was the first season whenever that was, but it did not make me feel especially proud of myself, though she did not make a big deal it was as if I had crammed not only my foot but my entire leg into my mouth...
Well they usually have a gay person on Survivor, so you might be right! :LOL:

Anyways, once I decided it would be cool to walk across a bridge of a 6 lane road, going over an 8 lane highway, except I would walk on the outside of the bridge. There were 40 911 emergency calls in 2 minutes. Apparently, people assume that someone hanging off a bridge going over a major highway is a jumper... idiots. :p