The most embarrassing stunts you ever pulled.....

_xxx_ said:
She was not a slut by any means!!! :!:
Yes, because a girl hitting it with some guy she's never seen before in the back of a car 20 minutes after he bluntly told her "let's fuck" isn't something that would qualify as slutty behaviour. ;)
Where can I find such guys?

L233 said:
Yes, because a girl hitting it with some guy she's never seen before in the back of a car 20 minutes after he bluntly told her "let's fuck" isn't something that would qualify as slutty behaviour. ;)
L233 said:
Yes, because a girl hitting it with some guy she's never seen before in the back of a car 20 minutes after he bluntly told her "let's fuck" isn't something that would qualify as slutty behaviour. ;)

She was stunned and kinda overwhelmed, that was an impulse. Besides, what is a slut in the first place? That word is quite meaningless to me, professional prostitutes aside.
DudeMiester said:
Well they usually have a gay person on Survivor, so you might be right! :LOL:

Anyways, once I decided it would be cool to walk across a bridge of a 6 lane road, going over an 8 lane highway, except I would walk on the outside of the bridge. There were 40 911 emergency calls in 2 minutes. Apparently, people assume that someone hanging off a bridge going over a major highway is a jumper... idiots. :p
I first read that as "Forty thousand, nine-hundred and eleven emergency calls in 2 minutes", then I realised that 911 is the emergency number over there in America :p
nintenho said:
You're a girl!!!
He is whatever you want him to be...

I don't recall any embarassing moments in my life, I'm a very restrained and well-behaved person, so I don't usually find myself in situations that would empower self-humiliation.

I was about 8 years old and there was this nice girl.
One nice summer-day all the kids (it happened in an after-school care club) ate together outside. The tables were arranged in a line an I was sitting in the middle and opposite of the girl.
We had some ugly meat and of course I suddenly chewed on a sinew or something. Normally I spit that out into a napkin. Unfortunately there was none available so forced myself to swallow the peace of meat in order not to embarras myself.
Well this resulted in me puking all over the table.

I was about 16 and I went with some friends to a techno event. I was drunk. We were dancing together in a circle arrangement :p and suddenly I puked into the midpoint.

Two months ago I puked on my friends carpet at his birthday party at his home.
Oh puking.... now I do remember one when I was at 1st grade or something.
For some reason I felt I had to puke in the middle of the class, so I run out of the classroom and into the corridor. The toilets were too far, so I ran to the cloth-racks, took one classmates winter wool-cap and threw up in it.
It was a girl classmate, and after that event I don't think I was ever popular with the girls in my class :(
Funny how you start remembering ages old things all of a sudden :)
Hmm lets see..

1st I can remember is being around 5-7 with an older cousin at grandparents wedding anniversary and stealing heaps of liqour and a group of 7-4 year olds all getting trashed and puking.

Hmm when older 14 maybe, making mexican fire crackers at school, one which went off in my hand and while being interrogated by the principal about 30mins later I started to get feeling back in my hand.

Going through town into a car yard and letting down all the tyres on one side of the car, heaps of cars on a slope, looked funnier on the vans.

Taking all the junk mail out of ppls letterboxes at night and making a huge pile of them in this birdbath and dousing it with meths then setting alight.

Swallowing a cap of oil and sleeping for 18hours straight, later told that I was being smashed bloody hard with a chair in my sleep by this Ogre called Delmar.

Oh yeah, the sugar rush with a scythe running through the neighbourhood slashing down real estate signs at night.

Some adventures from friends

Killing lots of possums and then setting them up to grip the rafters at school before the riga mortisis sets in.

Shitting in a pot and leaving it on to boil in the home ec room.

Shooting some guards at a board mill in the head with home made rocket launcher with sky rockets and water spouting.

All i can think of for now :p