Sounds like Minecraft with all the fun taken out.
To be serious though, I'll keep an eye on it as it's offering something a bit different from the norm. It could potentially be very immersive and gripping, as long as the survival systems are not too annoying and they get the ambience right. Best case scenario it grips me like STALKER did. (I know this is not the same kind of game.)
The big list of the sorts of things you can die from are a bit worrying, including Dysentery. I do not relish the idea of looking in my virtual poo for blood and mucus... but then again that is infinitely better than a little text box popping up saying 'You have Dysentery'.
Handled right this be one of those great pieces of entertainment that also happen to be educational in some way. Handled wrong it could be a jarring reminder that I'm playing a spreadsheet with pretty graphics stuck on top.