My experience on boxing: It helps a lot of kids (and yes, most of them are from the poorer parts of the city) in that it gives them discipline, something to focus on and a sense of purpose in life. It also helps keep them off the streets! This isn't a naive statement that they're all rough diamonds but have hearts of gold. Some kids are just punks and the less access they have to regimented schemes of handing out physical pain the better!
But I did resent a flurry of articles a few years back (mainly in the UK broadsheets) talking about how "I know I shouldn't enjoy boxing... but I do... it's so primal". Maybe these articles, which incidentally I can't find online, were around the time of the Fight Club release. Would make sense.
Actually I'm torn. Poor kids seeing boxing as a way to make money is kind of wrong. You could argue that a government shouldn't allow it. After all prostitution is illegal in many countries. Gah, I dunno where I stand on the issue. Someone give some coherency to my ramblings.
Boxing itself is a fantastic form of self defence -
if you want to use hands only. In theory it's not a complicated art but the perfection of the art takes a long time and the right genes. If you've ever seen anyone doing padwork you'll know what I mean. And it's true that it demands the hardest conditioning of professional sport - but only around the time of a fight. We've all seen boxers out of shape when they don't have a fight on the horizon. Oh the shame.
OT: Me and a few friends are backing Ricky. I think. Mayweather is undoubtedly a fine boxer (and not a brawler!) but I think Ricky's power may be enough. Mind you one of these friends of mine lost £200 on De La Hoya....