Sure it's better for publishers.. but what about developers?
At the moment publishers recognise the costs associated with middleware (see UE3.0) licenses which currently maybe a viable solution for a single-team, single-project looking to release cross-platform but this solution is still far too expensive for publishers to buy and distribute to all developers they contract.. Then there's developing their own middleware which works out even more expensive..
Basically as a result of these high development costs you have fat publishers too scared to invest in projects other than those which either have already been heavily invested in (by the developer, if they have the cash..) to establish a proof of concept (with much of the technology in place) so it's financial and marketable viability can be assessed, Or are established franchises or licensed IP..
Most publishers won't even touch you if your a small scale development house with a big vision and no history (i.e. hit titles under your belt..) and with the costs of development in terms of staying competitve being as high as they are nowadays you're either forced to do outsourcing work (if you can find it) or target a smaller niche (e.g. handheld..) where you can get yourt products out the door cheaply and quickly (albiet with just as small returns..)
I'm not saying a unified hardware specification standard would be particularly simple and straightforward to see introduction in the near future, but in the end something needs to be done to help the current situation change for the better and encourage an industry that is far more lucrative across the board & far less volatile than the one we have today..
If content is the heart and sould of the industry then surely content developers need our lives making easier and not more and more difficult by continuing to increase technical complexity (iterating every few years) and reducing/seggregating financial viability..