The Framerate Analysis Thread part 2

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This is a technical analysis thread. It is allied to the IQ and Framebuffer Analysis threads and shares the same rules as those which you should familiarise yourself with. It is not the place to discuss developers, port quality, or otherwise engage in pointless platform favouritism. Neither is it a place to discuss the findings of any analyses. Do not follow up 'game x is running at 29.94 fps average on Console A and 27.43 fps average on Console B' with 'this goes to show Console A is better' or 'the developers clearly didn't bother with Console B'. The purpose of this thread is to collate factual information regarding framerates and tearing, and where appropriate discuss techniques/methodologies and highlight any technical considerations. Any discussion on the results should be held in relevant threads referencing this thread as needed.

Copied over are a selection of posts from the original Framerate Analysis Thread. It includes interesting, relevant debate on a technique employed by PS3 and a couple of framerate analyses. If you are not posting to this standard, your posts will be removed, and persistent unwanted contributions will see you locked out of the Technology Forum.

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I can see where GarretASUS is coming from in that the section where Faith leaps off the end of the big red thing (around 45 seconds in the video) is one of the sections where 360 is tearing and therefore dropping frames. Most of the time - 98.4% of the time - it is v-locked and 30fps.

PS3 on the other hand doesn't appear to be v-locked at all, which boosts frame rate, but introduces more screen tear. Case in point - on the flyby section at 58 seconds in, PS3 is rendering at 26fps vs 360 at 30fps. For the most part, however, the tearing is confined to the very top pixels of the screen.

It seems that DICE's optimisations favour each port in different areas. PS3 not being v-locked gives it a .3fps advantage over the course of the entire 10,875 frames - 29.6fps vs 29.9fps.
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