The first Wii game with HDR?

The game's only coming to the Wii so they can't be shots from another system, so hopefully, these aren't target renders. Yeah, I know, the resolution's been increased, but I think it only serves to make Wii games look fuglier rather than better. I don't know why developers do that in the first place.


ARGHHHH MY EYES!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Either someone kept pressing the damn bloom button on the SDK, or killed the contrast of the textures, or that's actually HDR. I can easily tell what it is if I was playing the game, but we have only still pics to look at and analyze. Check out the links and info below to see more. They are definitely pushing more shader effects than most of the other big games if those are indeed from the Wii. The idea certainly sounds very cool.

Official Site:
More screens:

A French development team is working on a new game for the Wii called Capucine. You can read the description of the game below which comes from the official website.

Capucine is an exploration / adventure game, formulated as a tale and based on shadow and light opposition.

This game takes place in a fantastic universe where everything is dead. The player controls a child who holds a ‘capucine’. This flower enables her to survive in this desolated world. The little girl can hand on her own life to the surroundings thanks to a beam of light she can cast from her hand. To maintain life, water will be vital. However, the player must be careful not to animate the shadows of the surrounding elements. Indeed, animated shadows will try to steal the flower in order to prevent the child from accomplishing her destiny: revive the World.

The main intention is to offer a quiet and disturbing gaming experience where the player explores the surroundings and solves riddles. During the adventure, we want the player to be fascinated by the world he discovers. We also want him to become attached to the main character. The gameplay and the interface must be easy to understand but not simplistic, in order to create an optimal immersion.

Capucine is based on four fundamental principles:

* Give life rather than take it.
* A unique gameplay element: the beam of light.
* Build your own path.
* The player creates his own enemies.
Wow, it's like they turned the gamma up! :LOL:

The game is pretty ugly imo, but it's "technically" impressive for a Wii game. Though, it's being made by students, supposedly.

If they'd get a good artist, they'd be good to go.
Besides the image (which I can barely look at) the game looks very interesting. The european devs seems to have good gaming ideas to use on Wii (eg sadness).
Looks to be early in development. The main character looks to be nothing more than a place mark at this point.

There are many elements that do look pretty good so far though.
Read the fine print.
"Capucine is a project of the students of Supinfogame, developed on PC and thought for the Nintendo Wii. "

Since it's just a student project they definitely do not have Wii dev kits. They are just pitching it as a Wii game. They don't even have a publisher backing them. There is no way they will even have access to the Wii SDKs. There is no reason to jump to the conclusion that the Wii is capable of handling their demo much less HDR lighting.
The first Wii game i've seen with fake HDR-derrived effects present is that gundam game.. I can't remember what it's called but I saw it in the latest Edge magazine..

Don't know if these effects "are" actually present or whether the pictures were touched up/taken from a separate version of the game.. But looking at the geometry and overall fidelity of the shots I wouldn't expect them to be by any large amount (if at all)..

Yeah, I got too busy going blind from the horrible lighting to read the entire thing. Honestly, other than the weird lighting, I think the game looks horrible. The character is cel-shader and while the environments aren't and it creates a very distracting look to the game.

There is no reason to jump to the conclusion that the Wii is capable of handling their demo much less HDR lighting.

Outside of whatever horrific lighting, I see nothing there that GC can't do. ICO on PS2 had HDR and whatever that's in the demo doesn't exactly scream beyond GC. Since these guys have no experience at GC programming, I'm not sure what to expect. As I said before, the demo has some nice shader effects, but in the end, they're still just using what was possible since last gen. At least they're trying... err... on a PC anyway.

I'm more intrigued by the concept of the gameplay after reading more about it.
That doesn't look like HDR nor Bloom. It looks like someone screwed up some texture blends to "add" instead. :???:
What does that mean?
Values weren't stored in a larger-than-0-to-1-(0r 0 to 255)-brightness-range. Instead blending was used to overexposure areas of brightness.

The vid doesn't seem to show any HDR tone mapping changes. I also don't quite see why it's considered suitable for Wii. Seems the game revolves around waving a torch about. I guess that maps well to the Wiimote, although it's not a huge deal. And the graphics are very rough...
Fake HDR simply means using other methods besides the real thing to mimic actual HDR, but without the performance costs.

The picture is horrible. It must be intended for the Wii considering the level of geometry they use in the environments. Just look at the tree root thing pointed at her. It has an edge that makes me laugh. I know the Wii can do better than this.

I think it's the case of someone having lots of fun with lighting. The girl doesn't even have a shadow for such a bright day. And her shadow would be dark on the ground.

The game looks interesting in terms of gameplay.
im gonna go against the flow here + say actually the trees are quite good

true the brightness needs to be turned down a notch (or 10), it doesnt look like theres any shading in that screenshot, perhaps theyre gonna add it later?
The problem with this game is that it lacks bloom. They need more.


However if they were to target the 360, then they also need more brown:


Done. Instant platinum title.


I don't like to make fun of other peoples work, but thats rediculou's. First thing anyone would say is it's too bright. Half the trees are solid *white*. I woudln't be surprised if it's because they are applying a scale to them, which is mucking the normals and bumping the lighting up too much. Take pride in your work damnit, don't show it off looking like that, jeeze. Games are all about polish
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