DemoCoder said:
It wouldn't make any more sense to draft an obese or scrawny computer science geek and send him into battle than it would to draft him as a heart transplant surgeon.
This is missing the point, being that in the highly unlikely scenario that the Constitution is in danger of elimination via external force - all citizens, as citizens, have a responcibility to defend the state. Of course, nobody is advocating instituting the draft now or for anything less than a true national threat.
As for you're example, during Vietnam several of the most preeminent theoretical physicists and mathmaticians were drafted and served their duty. Most were given leave, but they went threw basic, ect.
Saem, you have some problems with comprehension of our societal structure in the United States that need to be resolved before you can have an educated debate on this topic. Here's a start: The US is a federalist republic.
Leeches, eh? Vince, are you aware that you are dangerously close to Nazi terminology?
Um, alrighty. Compare me to a Nazi again... A leech is a parasitic animal that lifes off a host entity, at the expense of the host entity without any upside to the host entity.
This is what he's advocated, except the host entity is a nation-state. Don't like the comparason, then don't get mad at me - perhaps it's time to look inside and see what, and who, you really are.
Rev said:
More often than not, nobody gives a flying f*ck what the hell a dictionary or some draft is supposed to say or define
Ohh, I see. So, nobody gives a "
Flying f*ck" concerning their civic duty and allegience to their country if it could have a negative impact on their own life? But, give me some more social-programs and more freebees that the government provides. I love the position Rev, says alot.
Just stop f*cking knocking others by comparing them to "leeches", not here in our forums.
If the shoe fits - deal with it. I explained the parasitic leech example and how someone who enjoys the freedoms and liberties of a nation-state, yet refuses to defend these same freedoms if the costs are too great in such a selfish manner is comperable to a parasitic animal who drains the resources of a host entity without any upside - if you disaprove, ask yourself why.
I said before (when I was head) that I would ban political discussions here because they usually make more enemies than friends. I cannot do this now... but I am giving fair warning to all that unless you, the "regular" folks, act as polite politicians, I will start with the edits and deletions without explanations.
Methinks that at least politics and religion are a more valid reason for having "heated" discussion, than say, game consoles. Perhaps that discussion group should be the first target for heavy handed moderation?
Appearently, if you strategically add "GeForceFX" and "Radeon9700" to you're conversation - it neutralizes any of the other extremely biased and hatefull comments found in damn near ever thread in the 3D forum. Makes sence to me, lets argue venemously if a chunck of silicon thats 10*10mm has a 4*2 or 8*1 architecture - but not about actual, tangible arguments that concern things much greater.