The Callisto Protocol [XB, PC, PS, XGP]

Theme and gameplay look like a cross between Dead Space and Resident Evil.
Theme and gameplay look like a cross between Dead Space and Resident Evil.

There's a reason for some of that, as the developor Striking Distance Studios was founded by the co-creator of the Dead Space series Glen Schofield. There's also quite a few from the former Dead Space studio according to Wiki:

Among others working on the game include Steve Papoutsis, who also co-developed the Dead Space series and led the series following Schofield's departure from Visceral; Scott Whitney, a designer on the Dead Space series; and Christopher Stone, the animation director for the former series. Of the 150 employees of Striking Distance, Schofield said that about 25 to 30 former coworkers from Visceral Games and Sledgehammer Games are part of Striking Distance working on The Callisto Protocol.​

Some general info about the game from it's plot blurb:

The Callisto Protocol is set in 2320 at a prison colony called Black Iron, operated by the United Jupiter Company, and located on Jupiter's moon Callisto. The player takes the role of a prisoner Jacob Lee held at Black Iron, finding themselves in the midst of an alien invasion that appears to have been engineered by the prison's warden.​
If it succeeds hopefully the owners will know better to than to be acquired by EA. :p It'll be published by Krafton Inc. (Korean publisher formerly Bluehole ... which is now a subsidiary of Krafton, yes it's weird) who appear to own them.

Checking that out leads to a bit of a rabbit hole. Evidently Krafton Inc. also owns PUBG and there is speculation that the recent lore dumps (starting at the end of 2020) in PUBG are related to The Callisto Protocol. Striking Distance Studios was founded in 2019. The lore dumps, from what little I came across, involve aliens with strong Lovecraftian horror elements.

Probably just random musings by random people around the internet but would be interesting if there turned out to be some truth in the speculation.

If it succeeds hopefully the owners will know better to than to be acquired by EA. :p It'll be published by Krafton Inc. (Korean publisher formerly Bluehole ... which is now a subsidiary of Krafton, yes it's weird) who appear to own them.

Checking that out leads to a bit of a rabbit hole. Evidently Krafton Inc. also owns PUBG and there is speculation that the recent lore dumps (starting at the end of 2020) in PUBG are related to The Callisto Protocol. Striking Distance Studios was founded in 2019. The lore dumps, from what little I came across, involve aliens with strong Lovecraftian horror elements.

Probably just random musings by random people around the internet but would be interesting if there turned out to be some truth in the speculation.

The game was going to take place in the PUBG game universe, but not anymore.
Probably just random musings by random people around the internet but would be interesting if there turned out to be some truth in the speculation.

Read the Wikipedia entry on it to see how the game originated,

The studio was created to expand the PUBG: Battlegrounds universe by creating a narrative driven game. Schofield said that when he met with PUBG Corporation where they explained their goal to expand the PUBG narrative, he already had the concept for The Callisto Protocol in mind and presented that to them and worked with them to fit his idea into their universe. However by May 2022, Schofield stated that the game grown to be its own story and no longer connected to PUBG, though there remain small nods to the latter.

Schofield wanted to keep the game grounded in reality to some degree, and thus selected a potentially human-colonizable location like Callisto as the setting. The moon has been theorized to have a subsurface ocean of water, which Schofield believed could offer a mystery to tie into the game. On May 26, 2022, Schofield has announced that the game will no longer be part of the PUBG universe and that it will be its own story and world.
A shame they couldn't get this released in time for Halloween. I'm not a massive horror game fan, but come the end of October, I go all in, which often means a replay of Until Dawn (still never managed to save everybody), but I may grab The Quarry this year.
As reported by Twisted Voxel, The Callisto Protocol will see its review embargo lift on the 2nd of December 2022 at 6 AM CEST (4 AM GMT), the same day as the game’s release date.

While not necessarily cause for concern in its own right, it is worth noting as some games have in the past used such tight embargo deadlines in order to mask potential criticism – and to prevent players from possibly cancelling their pre-orders.

That being said, we have in the past also seen universally acclaimed titles have their review embargoes set as their launch day (as was the case with DOOM 2016) – so it could go either way.
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