I'm just catching up a little...really dont even have that much desire to dig that deep into catching up with this presser though.
I'm not sure if it's me getting older or the fault is we hit a wall of graphical diminishing returns right at the PS3/360 generation (those PS3/360 E3's tended to blow me away, but none from this gen have), all I know is the past few e3's have really failed to blow me away in any way shape or form like they used to. This was no exception.
Anthem looked pretty cool. both graphically and Destiny-like.
The new Metro look OK I guess. We have to have females front and center in every game trailer I guess, it's a little forced. I was never the biggest fan of these on PC, but there they were heavily ridden by bugs which shouldn't be an issue on consoles. The graphics were good, but again just not knocking me over.
Fora 7, ok. all I can think here is this is 4k 60. Does it look so much better (or even as good) as Drive Club's rain? I dont know. That's EIGHT (8, Ocho, VIII) times as much force to get the same graphics at 4k/60 as at 1080/30. Eight times. 8X is basically a generational leap in power. Is it really worth it? Just do some 30 FPS checkerboarding...ok you cant do Forza at 30 FPS (although why not, Drive Club was), but you know what I mean. This is a consequence of pushing strict 4k too much.
The Last Night, cool. Doesn't blow me away but cool.
Xbox One X. Form factor, I really like it. Sleek and black. Upper echelon for console form factors IMO. Is it different than regular Xbox One case? It looks better to me somehow.
499. High. I strongly expected 399 or at worst 449. So, color me wrong. I dont know though, I should have known...12GB RAM? a Titan X doesn't have 12 GB GDDR5...
Will be interesting to see what Sony does with Ps4 Pro price now. I expect them to leave it 399.
I can excuse the price somewhat because at least they got the more important part, the power part, down. With Xbox One they tried to sell a weak console for 499, remember that debacle?! So, this is much better. And you can always lower the price later, but you're stuck with the hardware. So, 499 isn't good, but I feel like the power will shine through anyways, sooner or later. Also for me personally, I'm looking at it after some thought like, with full BC I can sell off my XBO no worries, and I should be able to get ~200 for that, making the upgrade price $300, which isn't bad.