I thought that was a very good E3 show. The pacing was perfect, the games shown were great, and mostly available now or soon, the previously unannounced stuff like Sea of Thieves, Gigantic and ReCore look lovely (Blue skies really are back!), and of course BC is a proper megaton.
Minecraft AR looked really cool but it's not something I'll ever experience. Same for the Elite controller. Too expensive for me and besides, the current controller is perfection.
The early access program announcement, along with Elite (hoorah for cross-play!) and DayZ was very good news, as was mod support in Fallout. That needs to be adopted for more titles.
Tons of Indie cuteness and oh my - a Rare collection.
The usual suspects (Forza, Halo, Gears) are all looking lovely too, especially excited about the new Halo multiplayer mode. PvPvE?
For me it's easily the best E3 show I've seen.
Kudo is still a bit weird though. Not as weird as the wild-eyed, overacting wizard-looking dude Ubisoft had on stage to show For Honor (which looked fantastic).