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On ps2 the rasterizer can be using one area of the texture RAM to draw polygons, while textures are simultaneously being swapped in another area of same RAM for future geometry. That hides the latency. The same thing could not be done on N64.The latency of the memory isn’t comparatively that different from latency on PS2 or DDR 1 or 2 equipped machines.
Sure, the Playstations EDO might have a small advantage clock for clock for small, scattered data. But the speed and bandwidth on N64 Rambus is just so much better, that it wins it all back and then some even in pathological cases.
That the cache is loaded explicitly pretty much infers what you describe. Do you have a link to the discussion?
As I mentioned already, it would have been possible to match the geometry and texture coordinates exactly and then combine them to larger textures.
Of course this wouldn’t have been possible with dynamic geometry, like skinning which is not too common on that generation of games anyway.
It would have made a huge difference for ground and wall textures.
For a rare and sadly not very impressive example of this look at the Bowser puzzle in the volcano level of Mario 64. It’s seems they even used some kind of 4 bit CLUT chroma compression in a dual pass on this.
The idea that because PS1 games are close in size if you strip out all of the music and FMVs so cart size wasn't a factor would only make sense if the N64 didn't have music or anything to replace the missing FMVs.
On ps2 the rasterizer can be using one area of the texture RAM to draw polygons, while textures are simultaneously being swapped in another area of same RAM for future geometry. That hides the latency. The same thing could not be done on N64.
As for using many small textures for different polys of a mesh, that is exactly what many N64 games did (and the mentioned "unhideable latency problem persists), but its only aplicable to highly tessellated geometry. N64 was also polygon starved. You don't wanna be using dozens of polys for a flat wall. You want 2 huge tris with a tiled texture repeating across it. In your SM64 example, for higher texture density, each puzzle piece there would've had to use 4 quads per face instead of just one. But many other surfaces on SM64 itself use what you describe to overcome the limitation on too. Mario himself: his eyes are one discrete texture, his muttonchops are another, and his mustache a third one. All paintings on peach Castles do it as well, for exemple. They use two discrete rectangular textures for the top and bottom part of each painting (64x32 I believe). Same thing is done with the Whomp's face. And they are all still too blurry even for 90's standards.
Sometimes but not always. There are more than a few N64 games that use compressed audio tracks for background music or voiceovers during the slideshow that replaced the FMV.The FMVs were usually replaced with half a dozen tiny slides and text. The redbook music from ps1 was replaced with MIDI on n64. So they were negligible.
But besides that, I agree with everything else you said. Devs could have had bigger texture here and there too if the cart size hadn't made the limitations quite convenient to adhere to anyway.
I think the reasons textures look worse on the N64 is "All of the above". The texture cache is probably the main culprit, but beyond that cart size was also a limiting factor. The idea that because PS1 games are close in size if you strip out all of the music and FMVs so cart size wasn't a factor would only make sense if the N64 didn't have music or anything to replace the missing FMVs. Rom size wasn't just a physical limitation, it was a financial one. Larger carts cost more money so developers were trimming bytes wherever they could to have their games fit on the smallest possible carts to keep production costs as low as possible. The opposite was true for games that used CDs. They were a fixed size and relativity cheap, so developers were cramming all sorts of extras on the discs to fill space. If you could lower your texture quality 20% and have your game fit on the next smaller cart size you were probably going to do it because of the cost savings.
I think the thing most people overlook when it comes to N64's textures is the insane amounts of filtering Nintendo required. Textures had to use linear filtering (and the implementation was pretty blurry) and you had the full screen AA adding an additional level of blur to the whole image. The point sampled textures of the PS1 are going to look sharper even if you have the same source artwork after you add the filters Nintendo forced devs to use.
That said, there are a few games that hold up nicely texture wise. Nightmare creatures comes to mind. Ther textures look pretty comparable between the PS1 and N64.
Nightmare Creatures... that's a very fun game!I think the reasons textures look worse on the N64 is "All of the above". The texture cache is probably the main culprit, but beyond that cart size was also a limiting factor. The idea that because PS1 games are close in size if you strip out all of the music and FMVs so cart size wasn't a factor would only make sense if the N64 didn't have music or anything to replace the missing FMVs. Rom size wasn't just a physical limitation, it was a financial one. Larger carts cost more money so developers were trimming bytes wherever they could to have their games fit on the smallest possible carts to keep production costs as low as possible. The opposite was true for games that used CDs. They were a fixed size and relativity cheap, so developers were cramming all sorts of extras on the discs to fill space. If you could lower your texture quality 20% and have your game fit on the next smaller cart size you were probably going to do it because of the cost savings.
I think the thing most people overlook when it comes to N64's textures is the insane amounts of filtering Nintendo required. Textures had to use linear filtering (and the implementation was pretty blurry) and you had the full screen AA adding an additional level of blur to the whole image. The point sampled textures of the PS1 are going to look sharper even if you have the same source artwork after you add the filters Nintendo forced devs to use.
That said, there are a few games that hold up nicely texture wise. Nightmare creatures comes to mind. Ther textures look pretty comparable between the PS1 and N64.
N64 was never geometry bottlenecked. Fillrate was more of a problem with the Z-buffer and extensive blending modes (remember it even has what could be described as a rudimentary pixelshader, in a register combiner on the VPU).
Texturing was never a task plagued by latency. It’s a very predictable, linear job, with nice big chunks of data.
Rendering multible polygons in a plane with the same inclination has less overhead than tesselating existing geometry.
If it’s possible to change the CLUT quickly and change the UV coordinates, it would be possible to use dual pass 2 bit compression.
Geometry might not have been the biggest bottleneck, but they sure couldn't splurge on it willy nilly, otherwise games would not have looked as awful as they did. I refuse artist then used those horribly geometric models just because they though they were good enough.
Look, you may be right, but that's not what I remember hearing from devs when the topic came up. Sure, the memory was relatively high bandwidth, but as I recall the problem was swapping, which you had to do all the time since it was small enough for a single texture, let alone a damn atlas.
I didn't mean tessellating geometry dynamically. N64 didn't need it since they had proper perspective correct mapping and z-buffering. I referred to simply creating their models with more segmentation. In fact it was often done. Zelda is a great example. Pay attention to its environments and you'll see they often segment surface edges to create more texture variety while using just small repeating patterns.
I'm curious here, what do you mean by that?
This is a finished M2 game:Not very impressive texture wise.
If you’re thinking about the Trip Hawkings demo where he is tripping over prerendered fantasies, then you’ve been duped by twenty year old propaganda.I agree it's not impressive in terms of textures, or much of anything. However I doubt it really shows what M2 could do, given it was developed by 3DO Studios and not a Japanese arcade developer like Sega, Namco or even Konami (who did produce some so-so M2 arcade games).
Given time, I'm sure M2 could've shown some impressive results compared to N64 and PS1.
You've got to be a PlayStation fanboy to think it had better looking anything in its games compared to n64.
Any perception of sharper textures is down to a lack of filtering. If you like pixelation and geometry warping, then hey.
N64 was so far ahead that sony aped its design for the ps2. Risc, rambus, vector units etc.
People can prefer whatever they want but in actually comparing the consoles and their games in a technical capacity the 64 stomps on PlayStation. Games were bigger with better draw distance, had more geometry, better particles, more advanced lighting and again actually filtered textures without warping.I find the proposition that there are PS1 games with better looking textures than N64 to be reasonable I also find it reasonable that there are those out there that may find they prefer the look of a plethora of PS1 games to those found on N64. Art design may have been a large influence into that.
There doesn't need to be a this or that scenario concerning graphics comparisons between consoles of the same generations. There will be many instances where title A does something graphically better than title B and the opposite.
The claim that someone is a fanboy because they may have a differing opinion is unwarranted.
N64 was certainly ahead of its competitors feature wise, but it came at the price of raw-grunt, to some extent. All consoles were barely able to make passable games back then. Every 3D game at the time looked horrendous on any platform even though we had no other frame of reference. N64 games surprinsingly polished to with reggards to rendering quality and stability, but ofyen also more simplistic and less performant. Saying who made the best choice is not so straight foward. Maybe the perfect console would have been something in the middle of the road between the two, who knows?