Test Drive Unlimited

There is a demo that shows they have solid gameplay, they just need to cut down on the pop-in and get the performnace and vsync under control and I'm sold.
kyleb said:
There is a demo that shows they have solid gameplay, they just need to cut down on the pop-in and get the performnace and vsync under control and I'm sold.

It's on Live for download? What's the frame rate range at now?
TheChefO said:
It's on Live for download? What's the frame rate range at now?

It's on live, it seems fun, but I can't play for longer than 5 minutes without the game crashing.

I heard if you disconnect form the internet, you can play without crashing as much.
scooby_dooby said:
It's on live, it seems fun, but I can't play for longer than 5 minutes without the game crashing.

I heard if you disconnect form the internet, you can play without crashing as much.

Hmmmm never crashed on me...???
this is a game i'm looking out for. nice gfx, nice sense of RACING :)
nice drive everywhere. i loved it to exit a road, drive trough the bushes and forest and race fullspeed uphill and look down on the island. or yuou can drive up the beach just next to the sea. :cool:

btw, it never crashed on my either... :cool:
Pile of rubbish

It took ages to download, played it for a bit, bad frame rate, crap graphics and pretty bad gameplay. Avoid this rubbish.
agreed...avoid this game

I agree with Nismo. I had high expectations for this game. Downloaded and gave it a try.....bad framerate, smudgy graphics amd pop-ups are really offputting. Lost Planet still remains the best looking xbox360 game so far.

Games like this put me off playing the 360.
U guys are bugging. the lighting, models, and sense of speed in the you tube video are excellent. Its the video thats bad not the game!
They aren't talking about watching any video. They are talking about playing the demo, and their comments are in line with what I played of it as well.
supa50 said:
I agree with Nismo. I had high expectations for this game. Downloaded and gave it a try.....bad framerate, smudgy graphics amd pop-ups are really offputting. Lost Planet still remains the best looking xbox360 game so far.

Games like this put me off playing the 360.

It's a Test Drive game. Somewhere deep inside you had to have known it was going to suck.
Powderkeg said:
It's a Test Drive game. Somewhere deep inside you had to have known it was going to suck.

:LOL: Yeah, that was what I was fearing the most. I still got nostalgic feelings because of the old games, but the newer installations of the series were "not so good, Al".
it looks like some of you guys played a differnt version then I ..
i liked the gfx and overal look and handling of the demo...
I'd say dont listen to people who say demo graphics are bad-decide for yourself.

I read about ten comments in a row how the Moto GP's demo graphics were crap, then I played it, and they're pretty darn good, if not one of the better looking 360 games to date.