Anyone remember when Oblivion was released, there were a few mods I wish would come to Skyrim. There was one called "Natural Environments", which added a boatload of dynamic and completely randomized, higher-than-vanilla definition weather effects. Also, a texture mod called "Qarl's Texture Overhaul", which basically added bump mapping to almost every texture. Since Skyrim's graphics are by default, much better than Oblivion's, I don't long for Qarl's as much. But, I wish someone would make a decent weather overhaul, on the same page as NE. There were varying degrees of weather intensity, which made it really cool. Like rain, for example, would vary from a light sprinkle to a complete downpour, equipped with thunder and lightening. I've done a little research for some weather mods, but can't find any that look anywhere near as polished as NE. Anyone know of any?