Tenn. county wants to ban gays

RussSchultz said:
I'd say I know I don't, but I've never tried it. However, the thought of it repulses me. With a man, or woman, anal sex is just plain filthy (in the literal way) to me.

Ditto. I've never even suggested it to any of the *numerous* <g> women I've been with.
sytaylor said:
So your initial attack on my point was based on a blinkered view of a democratic system? Or is the judicial system simply a myth in every nation that can't be called a replublic (like say Britain)?
I think you have posts confused. I picked a definition of democracy that was clearly stated in my post, and then you attacked it. ;)

thats ok, no need to apologize. Anyone could have made such a mistake.
but it seems to me that if you live in a democracy :)roll), the majority should be able to pass laws they want

See that completley flies in the face of every properly implimented democracy on the planet.. name one of the G7 that allows that? Oh wait there isn't one. So you picked a narrow aspect of democracy to suggest magority rule is a reason for acting stupid? and IM the one that should appologise? Reality check required methinks...
sytaylor said:
So you picked a narrow aspect of democracy to suggest magority rule is a reason for acting stupid?
Arent we getting a bit hot under the collar? ;) no need to name call, unless thats how you argue back. Anyways, majority rule is a central part of democracy. I dont know how you get one with out the other.
BTW the types of govermnent the G7 have are:
japan: constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government
germany:federal republic
canada:confederation with parliamentary democracy
UK:constitutional monarchy
USA:Constitution-based federal republic
source: cia.gov

Far from being hot under the collar i'm still trying to understand why you were at least suggesting that majority rule would be better than the democracy we have today. Whatever technical term you put on it, representative democracies are not as narrow and majority rule as you suggest. In going lengthwise to proove that democracy isnt majority rule, although it is in definition (well at least by your definition) what have you achieved? A democratic society is not majority rule. That *SHOULD* stop stupid laws

Furthermore I never called anyone stupid, nor attacked anyone personally. I simply suggested you should take a reality check, a point I would re-itterate on the basis of said accusation.
John Reynolds said:
RussSchultz said:
I'd say I know I don't, but I've never tried it. However, the thought of it repulses me. With a man, or woman, anal sex is just plain filthy (in the literal way) to me.

Ditto. I've never even suggested it to any of the *numerous* <g> women I've been with.

To hear you two talk, you'd think those that engage in anal sex (gay and straight) were all scatting. :oops:

To think some people have never heard of a douche. :p
Natoma said:
John Reynolds said:
RussSchultz said:
I'd say I know I don't, but I've never tried it. However, the thought of it repulses me. With a man, or woman, anal sex is just plain filthy (in the literal way) to me.

Ditto. I've never even suggested it to any of the *numerous* <g> women I've been with.

To hear you two talk, you'd think those that engage in anal sex (gay and straight) were all scatting. :oops:

To think some people have never heard of a douche. :p

NATOMA!!!!!!!!!! :oops: :oops: :?
I guess I can see that. For the longest time I thought mouths were only for eating and drinking. Little did I know. :LOL:

* Natoma pokes Russ

london-boy said:
Natoma said:
John Reynolds said:
RussSchultz said:
I'd say I know I don't, but I've never tried it. However, the thought of it repulses me. With a man, or woman, anal sex is just plain filthy (in the literal way) to me.

Ditto. I've never even suggested it to any of the *numerous* <g> women I've been with.

To hear you two talk, you'd think those that engage in anal sex (gay and straight) were all scatting. :oops:

To think some people have never heard of a douche. :p

NATOMA!!!!!!!!!! :oops: :oops: :?

Oops, did I say too much? :LOL:
Natoma said:
Oops, did I say too much? :LOL:

Well personally i don't care, i'm just saying... Anyway i've been wondering for a long time what is it with the obvious interest on this board in what we do... Go figure...
Natoma said:
I guess I can see that. For the longest time I thought mouths were only for eating and drinking. Little did I know. :LOL:

* Natoma pokes Russ

Christ, can't I even have an opinion that differs from yours on anal sex?

Or must we all accept it as good, clean, and natural?
Note to self: Don't read the B3D General Discussions forum in between setting up workstations at school. :D