A few things I've been thinking about in-between work cycles here.
Imagine teleportation become possible in.. say 150 years. And it consists of storing blueprints and destroying the original, and duplicating it elsewhere, supposing we'd have access to the monsterous amount of energy that would require. Say the subject that was teleported was a person, and they safely arrive at destination. I don't know about you but it would make me kind of depressed, knowing that somewhere else was the original me, and that I was dismantled. Makes you think...
Another thing: Say the teleportation equipement sent the data of yourself before destroying the original. So for a split second there would be two of you. Now say there's a delay, a lag, like the destination equipement needs to acknowledge the safe arrival of the subject before destroying the subject. If for example that lag is ten seconds, then the original will aquire new memories, and possible even the desire to not be destroyed, even though a perfect copy of that self exists. If the original lives for even a couple minutes, because of the new memories and new thoughts, destroying the original could almost be murder! All this of course is only if the whole concept and technique produces two copies at one time, even if very brief. Of course, the subject might need to be rendered unconcious through anesthesia, so that would solve the moral problem, at least from the eyes of the teleportee.
The equipement could scan and immidiatelly dissolve molecule by molecule, thus there wouldn't be two copies of the subject at a time, just two halves at variating amounts of completion. For this to be possible, the equipement would half to be extremelly solid and safe. I can imagine the poor Teleport Inc. PR employee visiting a weeping family giving the details on how the Microsoft(tm) matter convection software ran into a buffer underun and the individual was lost somewhere during a BSOD..
I'm pretty philosophical this week, I blame the 22 episodes of the anime PlanetES I've watched since Saturday for that.