Yes, but its not like the games are having direct access to hardware registers and instructions; it still goes through a driver level or abstraction layer that would be able to be emulated or shimmed/bridged on future hardware, right? In future hardware the GCN shader instrinsics would need to be replaced with the new equivalents if the new hardware doesn't have it. Would that still be doable, a sort of driver specific hack for the games with shader substitutions?
The raw hardware level as in registers and peeks and pokes and special commands is what I think of as low level access, like back in the Atari/Commodore days or the days of DOS with Soundblaster or MIDI IO Ports. In that regards, then perhaps there is no such thing as low level access anymore, unless the games are able to use precompiled shadees and submit them direct to the GPU?
Yes, but its not like the games are having direct access to hardware registers and instructions; it still goes through a driver level or abstraction layer that would be able to be emulated or shimmed/bridged on future hardware, right? In future hardware the GCN shader instrinsics would need to be replaced with the new equivalents if the new hardware doesn't have it. Would that still be doable, a sort of driver specific hack for the games with shader substitutions?
The raw hardware level as in registers and peeks and pokes and special commands is what I think of as low level access, like back in the Atari/Commodore days or the days of DOS with Soundblaster or MIDI IO Ports. In that regards, then perhaps there is no such thing as low level access anymore, unless the games are able to use precompiled shadees and submit them direct to the GPU?