To be honest I dont understand your ranting. It is not about doing something "new".I think turfFX is just more dense than the CryEngine implementation..
Just empty PR talk and more of you taking my words out of context.
Just to recap:
Large characters are nothing new. Using a lot of polygons in a mostly environment is nothing special.
"Hiding" loading in transition zones is nothing special.
Making single-shot cutscenes in videogames is nothing special.
Also, my favorite single-shot cutscene in a game:
Its how you handle all the various elements that counts.
For example handling huge characters with which your own playable character interacts with and is displayed in relation to that larger character is not a simple matter of just having a scaled up model to look bigger.
You have to be very good on your design so that everything scales in a way that large and small objects do not compromise their detail in each scene and in a way that scale is perfectly understood. Camera use is HUGELY important, how you handle LODs are HUGELY important as the camera zooms in and out of the larger character with your own character next to it, lighting is HUGELY important, even animation and physics etc
The example in the video you provided for LAIR, although it displays large characters, there are many things wrong with it to the point that although in terms of models one appears larger than the other, the larger model does not convey properly its detail and scale and the small looks like a miniature object next to normal sized objects (which are supposed to be enormous). It is an example of how you SHOULDNT do it. GoW (as well as 3) excels in how it handles larger and smaller elements in a scene.
Also GoW excels in the "single shot" element in that, it has done it masterfully for the whole duration of the game.
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