At the segment when they're talking about the Witcher 1 remake, John again says something along the lines of "this feels like early 2000's PC game. Janky, old school feel to it". He said things along those lines in other videos. Im curious what he means exactly. Why does he single out PC games specifically. Makes it sound as if PC games of the time were somehow either low budget or inferior tech wise. Which they for sure weren't. I'd infinitely say "ps2 type of game", if i want to convey jank or low budget, not PC which was universally, each and every year at the top end of technology and budgets, after 3d cards came on the market. It wasnt console games that had the biggest budgets, which i have the feeling that John thinks they did.
I caught years before a comment of his on neogaf, from 2004 when Doom 3 launched and he was saying something along the lines of "this game is as polished or accomplished as any console game is, which is didn't expect it to be". Something along those lines. And reading that just blew my mind. It blew my mind that someone would look at Doom 3, since its 2002 announcement and not consider it the best looking game in the world. Which it was. And it blew my mind that ps2 games were the ceiling PC games needed to reach ? I know he's excessively enamored by consoles, but jesus. Doom 3 was the apex of presentation and graphical prowess, made by Carmack at the top of his game. Being shocked its "on the level of console games" is not something i ever expected seeing an opinion of