Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror [IGN review]


Just check it out.

Told you guys this would be a AAA title. :D

March 10, 2006 - It's a rare thing when a game actually defines a system. Not an easy thing to do in any case, but once in a great while a title comes out that sums up the perks and potential of a particular game system. Halo defined the Xbox, for instance, while Final Fantasy X did the same for PS2. Now, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror has done the same exact thing with the Sony PSP. It exploits just about every technical capability the little system has to offer, and it does so with an extreme degree of elegance and refinement.

Score: 9.3
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I am totally surprised that it got a 9.3. I estimated it to be around 7.5-8.5. =P

Urge to buy but i dont want to upgrade my firmware.....
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror is awesome!

9.3 on





Simply gorgeous
Wow. It looks distinctly better than the PS2 game! With this and Daxter, looks like it's time to get my PSP back off my brother.

edit - and online? Very nice!
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I saw these pics and thought 'what's so great about this?' Then I visit the handheld forum and see it's PSP graphics!
Threads Merged

The Console Forum thread and this one have been merged.

On topic, I must say that I'm impressed by Syphon Filter Dev's technical prowess.
Great texturing.
Looks incredibly good, but I'm wondering about the aiming, which works with the action buttons... I remember using such a setup on my Dreamcast with Outtrigger, and the controls were awful, but the game was very fast-paced. Is the action in Syphon Filter slow enough that the aiming isn't a major problem ?
Corwin_B said:
Looks incredibly good, but I'm wondering about the aiming, which works with the action buttons... I remember using such a setup on my Dreamcast with Outtrigger, and the controls were awful, but the game was very fast-paced. Is the action in Syphon Filter slow enough that the aiming isn't a major problem ?

Yeah I have the demo and the pacing of the action is slow enough for these controls, yet fast enough not to be a stealth title. You can actually make it a stealth title if you are very careful and not seen.
mckmas8808 said:
Yeah I have the demo and the pacing of the action is slow enough for these controls, yet fast enough not to be a stealth title. You can actually make it a stealth title if you are very careful and not seen.

Nice ! I may pick it up if I get a chance, then.

Edit : just ordered it from DVDBoxOffice (PSP games prices in Europe are crazy).
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mckmas8808 said:
Yeah I have the demo and the pacing of the action is slow enough for these controls, yet fast enough not to be a stealth title. You can actually make it a stealth title if you are very careful and not seen.
Which PSP game do you think is better, Syphon Filter or Socom, in regards to how well they control on PSP?
This looks stunning!
Syphon filter on PS1 was one of the best game for the system.. hopefully this carries on the tradition..

(haven´t played the PS2 game, heard not so flattering things about it)
nintenho said:
Which PSP game do you think is better, Syphon Filter or Socom, in regards to how well they control on PSP?

To me personally Syphon Filter is. But then again I'm not a Socom fanatic so somebody else may tell you different.
SOCOM vs. Syphon Filter?

Since I own SOCOM, I will say this--the single-player campaign is decent, but is nothing compared to the multiplayer mode (something the series has always been known for). Truly awesome. Controls, in all honestly, could be a little better, but they work well.

However, on all departments, Syphon Filter kicks SOCOM hard, even though they are in different genres. Better graphics, sound, single-player campaign, multiplayer and a good selection of control schemes, even though the default--with digital aiming--is actually quite good. I believe multiplayer on Syphon Filter is limited to 8 players, however, unlike SOCOM's 16.
typoEDR said:
SOCOM vs. Syphon Filter?

Since I own SOCOM, I will say this--the single-player campaign is decent, but is nothing compared to the multiplayer mode (something the series has always been known for). Truly awesome. Controls, in all honestly, could be a little better, but they work well.

However, on all departments, Syphon Filter kicks SOCOM hard, even though they are in different genres. Better graphics, sound, single-player campaign, multiplayer and a good selection of control schemes, even though the default--with digital aiming--is actually quite good. I believe multiplayer on Syphon Filter is limited to 8 players, however, unlike SOCOM's 16.

That's what I and most people in forums seem to be saying. Looks like you agree. Cool :cool:
typoEDR said:
SOCOM vs. Syphon Filter?

Since I own SOCOM, I will say this--the single-player campaign is decent, but is nothing compared to the multiplayer mode (something the series has always been known for). Truly awesome. Controls, in all honestly, could be a little better, but they work well.

However, on all departments, Syphon Filter kicks SOCOM hard, even though they are in different genres. Better graphics, sound, single-player campaign, multiplayer and a good selection of control schemes, even though the default--with digital aiming--is actually quite good. I believe multiplayer on Syphon Filter is limited to 8 players, however, unlike SOCOM's 16.
Thank you kindly:D