Sweet Ninja Gaiden gameplay footage.

Saw it today. Looks amazing, IMO the best looking Xbox game so far.

Gameplay also looks pretty fun.
Tecmo is awesome with Xbox hardware. Rygar looked amazing on PS2 too. NG looks similar to DMC except with much better graphics.
Still not wild about a ninja in patent leather, but the game looks really good. 'sides, everything needs to have "shiney-shine," right? :p
Very pretty very nice very slas'ction. 60fps full 3D. Great job Tecmo. The camera seems to have more normal 3rd person views than just DMC like partial-fixed 3D.
Jabjabs said:
Nice, Tecmo are really pushing what they can do with the (slightly edited)DOA3 engine.

Actually from what I've read, its the DoA:XBV character animation engine, the rest is new.
I don't see the similarity with DMC. For one this doesn't have DMC dramatic but useless camera angle.

I was hopping this one to play fast like Shinobi, but hearing how Itakagi hates Shinobi, I didn't expect it anymore. Now after seeing some gameplay footage, this one looks alright.

Castlevania and this, add to 2D casualties :D


looking good.
