Star Wars vs Star Trek

Doesn't this topic actually belong in the RPSC forums? :D Star Wars vrs Star Trek, you'd be hard pressed to find christians vrs satanists who will get as upset. :LOL:
epicstruggle said:
Firefly all the way. Only spaceship that showed a toilet. ;)

Never watched 2001 eh? ;)

Besides, the Culture would smack everyone else's empire into small pieces and worse yet - would be patronisingly nice about it while doing it.
3dilettante said:
edit: You changed what you wrote, so the post has lost some of its meaning.
try ALL.
I quoted you accidentally instead of guden oden.
So you are replying to something that wasn't even directed at you.
Then when i went back to look for his post, it was gone.
Of course, now it is back. ARGH.
I will re-edit my original post.
shouldn't this debate be in the political/religious area?

(trekkism and jedism seems to be almost religion to some people ;)
Damn it. I was actually thinking about this stupid topic today and thought, "but what of the huge difference in computer power 'tween the two realities?". :?

I mean, Star Trek is all about finding solutions thru analysis and science (pseudo-science) half the time more than just out-gunning or out-fighting someone; where as Star Wars never seemed quite as cerebrally orientated to me.

Just look at the 'puter power differences between the two. Star Trek was WAAAAAY ahead on robots/androids/computers and such even though Star Wars has the insane number advantages on raw power...shouldn't that be factored in?

(And YES I feel like a pud posting this! :oops: )
hkultala said:
shouldn't this debate be in the political/religious area?

(trekkism and jedism seems to be almost religion to some people ;)
Oh the people in this thread are VERY religious about their movies.
Now I don't normally personally attack BUT YOUR ALL NERDS and your all wrong SG-1 > Star trek and Star wars.
( Actually not really but in all of these things you can hear the space ships flying around ).
Question: why was the transporter never used as a weapon? There are just sooo many possible applications.

Did Star Wars have any transporter type technology? I just can't think of any. :?

(Oh, and I'm light-headed with giddiness at having both my kids in bed AND SLEEPING before 8:00pm without any major fights or fuss....I'm celebrating.
digitalwanderer said:
Question: why was the transporter never used as a weapon? There are just sooo many possible applications.
(Oh, and I'm light-headed with giddiness at having both my kids in bed AND SLEEPING before 8:00pm without any major fights or fuss....I'm celebrating.

Cause they did IE teleporting bombs onto ships but you see the shields can block the transporters :p
bloodbob said:
Cause they did IE teleporting bombs onto ships but you see the shields can block the transporters :p

How about teleporting bombs in the vicinity of the enemy ship? Teleport a lot of them and detonate them immediately... no way the enemy ship can evade them, I think. :)
bloodbob said:
Cause they did IE teleporting bombs onto ships but you see the shields can block the transporters :p
Shields don't actually fully "block" transporters, they make it harder to get a signal thru. Couldn't they just teleport big chunks of the enemy ship a foot or two to the right? Even if they didn't succesfully do it, I'm pretty sure an unsuccessful transport might be just as good. ;)