Doesn't this topic actually belong in the RPSC forums? Star Wars vrs Star Trek, you'd be hard pressed to find christians vrs satanists who will get as upset.
try ALL.
I quoted you accidentally instead of guden oden.
So you are replying to something that wasn't even directed at you.
Then when i went back to look for his post, it was gone.
Of course, now it is back. ARGH.
I will re-edit my original post.
Damn it. I was actually thinking about this stupid topic today and thought, "but what of the huge difference in computer power 'tween the two realities?". :?
I mean, Star Trek is all about finding solutions thru analysis and science (pseudo-science) half the time more than just out-gunning or out-fighting someone; where as Star Wars never seemed quite as cerebrally orientated to me.
Just look at the 'puter power differences between the two. Star Trek was WAAAAAY ahead on robots/androids/computers and such even though Star Wars has the insane number advantages on raw power...shouldn't that be factored in?
Oh the people in this thread are VERY religious about their movies.
Now I don't normally personally attack BUT YOUR ALL NERDS and your all wrong SG-1 > Star trek and Star wars.
( Actually not really but in all of these things you can hear the space ships flying around ).
Question: why was the transporter never used as a weapon? There are just sooo many possible applications. (Oh, and I'm light-headed with giddiness at having both my kids in bed AND SLEEPING before 8:00pm without any major fights or fuss....I'm celebrating.
How about teleporting bombs in the vicinity of the enemy ship? Teleport a lot of them and detonate them immediately... no way the enemy ship can evade them, I think.
Shields don't actually fully "block" transporters, they make it harder to get a signal thru. Couldn't they just teleport big chunks of the enemy ship a foot or two to the right? Even if they didn't succesfully do it, I'm pretty sure an unsuccessful transport might be just as good.