In the first movie a young upstart Senator named Leia has a twin brother who is destined to save the galaxy, and she just so happens to be given plans to the deathstar, Leia's republic ship just so happens to gets commandeered by her dad of all people, just so happens to be right above the planet of her twin brother, causing her to jettison the republic plans in an escape pod to a region of the planet that just so happens to be right near her twin brother.One thing that's just amazing is not only how they'd find his saber, but how remarkably close to each other and easy to find everyone seems to be! In a whole galaxy! I mean, yes sci-fi but the galaxy is an awful big place.
What if the ship was commandeered 30 minutes earlier. Or what if the rotation of Tatooine had been different and the escape pod had been jettisoned to the other side of the planet, . Whats if their inital droid choice from the Jawas before r2d2 hadn't broken down.
What if Luke hadn't accidentally activated that Hologram in R2d2. What if Uncle Owen had let Luke go to the academy 1 year earlier like he originally promised.
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