So there is a possibility of “CDNA Next” turning out to be the so-called “UDNA 6” with dates seemingly lining up. Let’s see if the upcoming event will reflect that.
That is certainly a possibility... or it could mean that they are just now starting to flesh out UDNA, adding it to their current roadmap, and it is still more than 4-5years out. If that is the case, that would put UDNA sometime in +2029, after CDNA Next and its derivatives. UDNA5 would be the first in his scenario, since he was talking about "planning" 3 generations for backward and forward compatibility, RDNA5/6/7 and UDNA5/6/7.
The way Huynh phrased that "backward/forward compatibility" answer made it seem like they have been working on adding that to RDNA5/6/7 and UDNA is after that. The other clue is when he was asked about the "when" for UDNA, he gave this answer- "We haven’t disclosed that yet. It’s a strategy. (...) They(devs) actually wish we did it sooner, but I can't change the engine when a plane’s in the air. I have to find the right way to setpoint that so I don’t break things." CDNA Next showing up on the roadmap with 2026 makes it seem "disclosed" which could mean CDNA Next isn't UDNA. Tom's Hardware article with Huyng's interview
Really just depends on when they finalized this "strategy" and started planning the "backwards compatibility" into their architectures.
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