Star Citizen, Roberts Space Industries - Chris Roberts' life support and retirement fund [2012-]

Some day, in the far off future when Star Citizen is closer to finished, I do want to try playing it for a long weekend or something. It seems like so much continually changes that I'd be concerned about continuity of what I learned versus what it's now doing.

To a small degree, I feel like No Man's Sky did this to me... I started playing when it was new, got tired of it after a few hundred hours, came back maybe a year later, some parts of my ship and my suit didn't work and had to do some grind to get some of it back. And then after another 50-100 hours I got tired of it and didn't come back for another two or so years... And it's just nuts how much basically everything changed. I put another few dozen hours into it and simply felt lost, and I'm sure part of it is I'm picking up my several-hundred-hours save each time and it's the game somewhat assumes I should know what I'm doing by that point (and I don't.)

I keep thinking I should pick it up again and just start fresh, see it with new eyes, and hopefully it captures my imagination again. I have the same lingering sensation of Star Citizen players, even if I really haven't heard such things just yet.