If Yerli is telling the truth, that Ryse has always been 900p, then that would mean Crytek knew ahead of time certain XB1 limitations would cripple performance on handling the new CryEngine. Because we damn well know the new CryEngine goes well beyond 900p rendering...
You know, There is a big misunderstanding when it comes to hardware limitations, out side of beyond3d. fixed hardware will always be locked to limits, and you could easily jump out of those boundaries in favor of unorthodox methods.
Imagine the sacrifices Guerrilla Games would have to go through if they wanted to get rid of shadow fall's 7 LODs, in favor of 80k single LODs. there is a reason why they chose 7LODs (40k max descending to 20k and lower) @ 1080p; for environments and shaders.
1080p is a compromise in it's self. Polygons, shaders, and frame rate are compromises in their selves as well.
even when you upgrade hardware, you are still trading in for something that has similar limitations. this is something that should cross everyone's minds. so when developers talk about compromises they are not insulting the box, they are simply stating the obvious of working with fixed hardware.