Speculation time: Wii HD

Technical question. Why can't the Wii output HD resolutions? As it is a bit more powerful than the xbox 1 (had a handful of 720p games), shouldn't it be possible? Is the resolution capped in some hw form?

EDRAM size limits the framebuffer resolution? AFAIK it has only 2-3MB or so...
Hollywood is actually weaker in comparison to the other gpus than Broadway is to the other cpus.
Huh? And does it matter?
Fox5 said:
Consoles are gpu focused anyway, prior to last gen, weren't most console cpus just the bare minimum needed to keep the rest of the system fed?
The thing is that Broadway might not be adequate to feed the rest of this particular system.

This might of course be just me over-interpreting Ubisoft's attempts at a launch title. As I said, a hunch. Anyhow, I'm seeing pretty detailed graphics here with tons of special effects and they are smooth, but only as long as the scene is fully static. Dynamic, breakable, moving stuff? Not so smooth. That, to me, hints toward a limitation on the "feeding" side of things. Plus some reviewers have noticed basically the same thing going on in Elebits.
Zack all of ubisoft's game don't use ground gc engines and while UE 2.5 with RS and the Jade engine with Rayman are nice the rest of games were rushed out simply for a quick buck. Elebits seems to be good gameplay wise from what I hear, but in all honesty what experience has konami had with pushing the GC architecture?