Sound familiar?

Yup. :(

EDITED BITS: For the link-reading impaired:

Hey guys,

I interviewed for a guerilla marketing business in San Francisco that targeted web forums.

I was told that if I accepted the job, I was to have at LEAST 50 identities on as many forums as I could muster (they wanted 100 eventually), with a goal of 5 posts an hour. The posts had to be well thought out, and the idea was that I was to establish multiple identities with a history on the forums, so that when the timing was right a well written but subtly placed marketing post could be finessed in. And regular visitors would recognize the post as coming from a long time poster.
So now we can all argue over who their clients are.

The sad fact is all this will do is increase the noise ratio in forums since every hardware maker will have their shills out shilling :)
It's their second one on this area in recent days. I keep waiting for them to mention you-know-who, but they haven't. Ah well.
Funny, I was beginning to think that this was happening in-reverse, what with some of the rabid anti-Company X nature of some of the posters here.
Guerilla marketers targetting web forums? This certainly has to be illegal. I dunno about the US, but here, and in britain as well (though I don't know if the B3D server is actually hosted there), advertising is quite strictly regulated. It's for example most definitely illegal to make ads look as if they aren't ads.
Ty and JR will be happy to know that Wavey happened to mention in IRC that B3D's server is based in the US. So they can start being more dangeorous than me again.

The rest of you can start worrying about kidnap teams renditioning your anti-american asses --or at least your data.
