Increasing Efficincy With Tools...
Q: Maybe we could hear about what tools you have used that impacted development?
For 3D modeling we use Maya. For animation we use Softimage, and textures are made with Photoshop. And depending on the designer there are also those who use things like "Painter".
For 2D image compression we use OPTPiX iMageStudio.
Q: How much more efficient is it when you use tools like these?
OPTPiX iMageStudio was recommended to us by a certain staff member and we have been using it since around when we started developing Soul Calibur 1. Of course it's been optimized for various platforms, so as long as the original image file is created properly you can make textures very rapidly. And they look quite nice on the screen, too. So we are doing fine in that regard.
Q: Personally I have thought that Soul Calibur's look and colors are very pretty, is there some concrete reason that makes it look that pretty and separates it from the pack?
We tend to concentrate on graphics in our games, and this game as well is made with extravagant graphics. The biggest difference is probably the how we are using textures.
Q: Do you mean amount of textures or the texture color depth?
The designers are using as much as they need. Well, even saying that there are speed limits, but probably the main thing is that we are letting them create as much as they want to the maximum extent they have the power and space to do so.
We also pay close attention to detail with lighting and so on, and so I think those small details also build up piece by piece to make it appear so nice.
Q: Even when making the arcade version, you surely made a lot of effort put into making certain stages work but now since in the home versions you're including new stages and stuff, did you have to cutback in any places?
In a way, but in any game when you add on new features you have to cut back somewhere and so we have done tuning to make it work. However, when it comes to things like textures or polygon counts, we have made no sacrifices whatsoever.
Q: Sorry for keep wanting to talk about textures, but since nowadays you use both high resolution and low resolution textures, have there been any abnormal difficulty regarding this? Well for example on PS2, you can't use S3TC textures, but you can on the other two machines. If you go and do that, and pass the texture that has been created to the individual hardware, and sort of like an operating system you hand it to the library, so the basic difference is that when passing to the PS2 you use a primary color texture, but GC and Xbox S3TC.
Yeah, well for example the exporter should know how to make a texture that matches the according hardware and create an appropriate format. When you talk about a Maya scene, a PS2 scene, a GC scene, an Xbox scene, if you want to be accurate they are totally different. Basically in iMageStudio a designer is already using optimized data. Now that's on top of Maya. So because of things like that exporter, it's not like the graphics engine is changing formats of the data on the fly. It's like we are doing that in advance now.
Q: So after the tools have comleted that stage, looking at the respective console's data that has been created would all look the same.
Basically, yes.
Q: But they're still different from the textures that have been created at design time? For example if we're using Xbox it's D4 compatible, so the resolution might be different.
Yeah, but basically, for example if you turn mip-mapping on, the needed texture for the appropriate resolution is chosen for us almost automatically. Sometimes if you don't let the hardware handle some of that stuff for you you'll suddenly have more than a boatload of stuff to do (laughs)
To be blunt, for example with D4 the size of the television isn't really going to change, so the amount one would see inside a single doesn't change either. You know even if you increase the overall resolution, without changing the textures the look will be pretty much the same. Mainly you just eliminate jaggies. You do become able to see smaller details concerning the textures, but that's the biggest one.
We originally made it with the goal of looking pretty on a 29 inch monitor, so even changing to D4 won't be that much different.
Q: Is there anything you'd like to say to the readers of this article?
I'd like to just say that most of what I do you probably would never be able to tell at first glance. Doing what everyone takes for granted is my job, because if the player feels completely comfortable, then it is a success. So for people like me that is the most satisfying thing - doing well everything that you probably don't realize is there. If you actually buy all 3 versions, and look long and hard, you'll see very minor differences. You rock if you can figure out what all of them are. Thanks a lot