Soul Calibur II Programmer Interview (Translated by me)

Fast Fourier


"The playful PS2, the balanced GameCube, the powerful Xbox"

"Q: Did you notice any specific differences between the hardware?"

"In a way PS2 is almost an "Asian-style" console. The consoles all have great potential, and it's up to the programmers to tap this potential. In that way, the PS2 is very interesting to program for and has a playful aspect. Well, if you're going to come out and say it it's "difficult", but if looking on the bright side it's pretty interesting. And so I feel that it's a hardware that sucks in those developers with an adventurous spirit.

As for the GameCube, it would almost be a "European-style", an old-style console. You can tell it's the console of a hardware maker that has been making consoles for a long time. What is necessary in games, what is really necessary is there, and stuff like the layout of the memory and other things just ends up being easy to use. You wouldn't think it looking at the specs, but when you use it, it ends up getting quite decent performance. It's a nice hardware without any excesses. I think the common verdict that "its balance is good" is ultimately correct.

With the Xbox (like you'd think just from looking at it), it's just brute overwhelming power. It would be a waste to not use all that power, so we have done things like make it D4 compatible, splash on full screen antialiasing, etc. When companies design game consoles from now on, in terms of efficiency and whatever, they will probably look at Xbox as the standard.

Q: The biggest doubt I personally had about the home-conversion was getting it to fit on a single GameCube disc. There's not that much space on the discs compared to the other two consoles, so I imagine you went through a lot of trouble squeezing it in but...?

Well what takes up most of the space are things like the movies and the sound, so if you think in terms of regulating the quality of that, it's doable. Well, it almost didn't fit, but we got it in there without any loss! As long as you control areas like that...well, as a quality of the hardware, it's fairly easy to use things like compression, so we shrunk various stuff to get it in there to obtain our results.
That's really informative, maybe that comment about the xbox hardware will shut my friend up for a few days about "GameCubz Ownz j00w!!!".
Using the Xbox like its exterior, its just brute OVERWHELMING power. It would be a waste to not use all that power, so we have done things like make it D4 compatible, splash on full screen antialiasing,

Ahhhhhhhh, so sweet. Makes my heart tinge with joy. :p :oops: Xdoubters bEGONE!
Cannot wait for the 720p + FSAA version, with SPAWN. :oops:
chaphack said:
Using the Xbox like its exterior, its just brute OVERWHELMING power. It would be a waste to not use all that power, so we have done things like make it D4 compatible, splash on full screen antialiasing,

Ahhhhhhhh, so sweet. Makes my heart tinge with joy. :p :oops: Xdoubters bEGONE!
Cannot wait for the 720p + FSAA version, with SPAWN. :oops:

Damn you! You reminded me of all the cool stuff, Damn you becuase... *drool*, it you know *drool* ruins my key*drool*board!!! :D
I really like how he acknowledges various aspects of the consoles, and I liked it even more that it's basically what I always thought about them (PS2 - highly programmable, open for various experimentations for those who who want to dig in, probably very satisfactory when they achieve something people thought impossible untill that day; Cube - well equipped to make nice looking games easily, no 'unnecessary' hardware; and Xbox - stuffed with the latest and greatest GPU of that time)

If the Xbox version has FSAA in 720p mode that will be really something. Well, FSAA in 480p only would still be really cool

What happened to my old account?
You really can't take a hint... ;)
If the Xbox version has FSAA in 720p mode that will be really something.
I think it does. Im sure of it. Special mention of D cables and look at the screens from watch-impress, PS2 and GC are standard 640x480 while Xbox one is much hires. :oops:
As i said, a game that maxed out PS2, gets the boost of its life on Xbox. Almost....Namco needs to add more Xbox specifi pixel effects and bump up the polycount and textures. DOA3 killar!

You really can't take a hint... ;)
Possible that someone hacked my account? Mayve it is just my cheeky lil' bro.

All game consoles from now on, in terms of efficiency and whatever, companies will probably look at Xbox as the standard.
Amen to that. 8)
Half a generation ahead in the same generation! :LOL:
Oh, someone should try to translate that entire link. Im interested to see what Namco has to say about texturing on the 3 consoles. Astalavista sucked. :(
UP! comon! Someone translated the full interview! Pllleaaaaaaaase? :oops: I need to hear about what Namco said about their texturing techniques. :oops:
I think it was a name ban chap... Just guessing.

Special mention of D cables and look at the screens from watch-impress, PS2 and GC are standard 640x480 while Xbox one is much hires.
Yeah, but the 720p screens released so far had no FSAA on them. We'll see.

Amen to that.
Well, of course the future consoles will have to come up significanlty better than Xbox :LOL: Somehow I don't think it will be all that difficult, though :p
Fast Fourier are you around? Can you do a quick translation on that interview? Astalavista mentioned something about S3TC, jaggies, Maya, Xporter, D cable, 29" TV, textures blah blah blah!

I thnk they did the tests if the texture resolution going to look jaggie when pumped onto 720p resolution, but that's about as much as I could understand. They also had a tool that converts textures to S3TC for GC and Xbox, and I guess they had PS2 textures already from the arcade.
DeathKnight said:
Well, it'll be less jagarific at the resolution anyway. FSAA even at 480p/480i looks really good (Apex comes to mind).

well personally i'd rather have 720p with no AA than 480p or 480i with AA.....

just like i prefer 480p without AA than 480i with AA....

but maybe its just me...
Yeah, I concur. Jaggy edges don't really bother me that much (as long as it isn't really bad). Higher resolution is always welcome.

Sadly, I'll have to keep enjoying my games in 480i for some time to come. Not going HDTV quite yet. I'll be upgrading from my lowly 20" RCA TV from 3-4 years ago to this 27" flatscreen JVC in two months. It'll definately be an upgrade from what I'm viewing now.

I really can't wait for SCII. I need another fighting game :)
650 dollars for a 27" HDTV hahah

Not worth it as of now, I would wait for the price to fall to 250, which it ultimately will. By then you'll have more things using 1080i as well.
650 dollars for a 27" HDTV hahah

Not worth it as of now, I would wait for the price to fall to 250, which it ultimately will. By then you'll have more things using 1080i as well.
A VGA monitor supports HDTV for $250 right now.
Lazy8s said:
650 dollars for a 27" HDTV hahah

Not worth it as of now, I would wait for the price to fall to 250, which it ultimately will. By then you'll have more things using 1080i as well.
A VGA monitor supports HDTV for $250 right now.

A VGA monitor may supports HDTV resolutions but you will need a transcoder for Component Video input. That makes another $250 for a transcoder with respectable quality.