bringing up R&C in a texture arguement = point invalid!
why should i? in case you still dont get it, i am just saying DC bettered the PS2 in textures and IQ, nothing else. but since you dont buy that, YOU have to show me a PS2 game that counters SA textures.You still havent showed me games that can best those PS2 games graphicly.
A GF2 will kill the PS2 in textures and IQ.It blew the tar out of everything avaliable spec wise, and everything avaliable for some time.
yes that is what i said. why dont you geddit??? DC is better at textures and IQ than PS2. can you prove me wrong? didnt we have a recent CLUT vs VQ thread?And what did you say? This is what you said.
It is a marketing word because that what IT IS. we shall see how 1 tflops translate to ultrasweet uncatchable gfx, we shall see!!TFLOPS a marketing word? LMAO, so I guess all those 40+TFLOPS super computers are really just a joke then? Please..