Huh??? CELL being capable of 1 TFLOPS is marketing HYPE at this point. It hasn't been proven. E.S. has been proven that it can sustain 35 TFLOPS so it's not marketing HYPE.
So I take it Sony IBM and Toshiba are lying? And then they write up a detailed patent to lie further?
If cell WILL NOT be capable of 1tflops at the end, then WHY are they putting it on 65 nm and then going to rush and get it down to 45? How powerfull can this thing be that it needs such a small micron process?
Please come back to earth or take off them goggles or both...
And there we go again with the infamous one liners. You can't prove my points wrong so you give some retarded little one liner with an emocation at the end, pathedic.