>DX9? If that's true, then why can't a PS2 compare lighting/image quality wise with a DX9 part?
First, clockspeed... overclock the EE to like 450 MHz and watch it kick butt
Second, Why do you bring Image Quality into this ?
The VUs do not do AA or texture filtering, etc...
Second find a DX9 GPU with Vertex Shader as flexible as the VUs in the Emotion Engine... look at even DeanoC comments... VUs are very nicely designed units
Josiah, the Xbox also came out 1 year later AND I like the VUs a little bit more than a 8 registers SSE unit ( with no FP MADD support )... but yes the peak is 3 GFLOPS...
If you wrote a pure T&L bound benchmark that focused on the XCPU and the EE you would see the EE pulling ahead...
Holistically, I think the X-Box 2 will not be signifcantly disadvantage. Many architectures have tried to compete against x86 in the price/performance arena in simillar applications -- consoles are very high performance desktopish these days-- and they got whooped. Not to say Cell will suck, but there will be stiff competition. At the same time it should be noted that Intel places little emphasis on FP performance --in a historicaly sense-- as they should since the Windows work load doesn't demand it often.
Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 7:20 am
Intel did not whoop them all on its own merits... as far as RISC opponents Intel fought them off with backward compatibility... not a problem, Cell is not being release in the same market...
SMT is an interesting weapon, but Intel plans in multi core are not comparable to Cell, not yet... Sony, IBM and Toshiba have pulled ahead a little bit as they have explored a way Intel has not...
Intel has different plans and for now they enjoy having different architectures target different markets ( IA-32, XScale and IA-64 )
It is not a problem if PlayStation 3's CPU is a FP powerhouse ( and more )... the Xbox 2 has XGPU 2 for most of that