And show me one DC game that can compare to ZOE2 or SH3, or even MGS2 for that matter.
i said "Bettered at IQ/textures by DC"
you said "Oh please.. DC cannot compare to ps2 in any way."
i said "give me a full 3D PS2 game running at 60fps at 480p with vibrant/varied/viewtiful SA2 textures"
I have no idea why you think i am saying DC is a better system overall???
But it's doubtfull that anyone would jump ship if ps3 is only less than a year late.
Maybe MS has the sweetsweet deal? Maybe KCET/Rockstar/Square/Capcom can move on to next gen platform for their next gen dream games? Maybe XBL will be mucho mature?
Well at 1tflops.. there won't be anything that will be able to compare for quite some time.
i have no idea why are you hanging on to that 1tflops thing??? it is just another marketing biz word. so it is the power, but technology doesnt move only from Sony's side, everyone is bringing more powerful hardware to the table. Sure if Xbox2 is before PS3, it might not stack up but it is never going to be that revolutionary destroyed by CELL.
PS1 was no revolutionary hardware.
PS2 was no revolutionary hardware.
Sony's stuffs were never high and away from their competitiors.
I dont believe that PS3 will bring graphics far and impossible from the rest.
Cube and Xbox are more powerfull than ps2 because they came out later.. Even you know this Chap. Of course a system that comes out a year later is going to be more powerfull,
Of course i knew, but you have to read more carefully to what i said.
And chap, if ps3 is more powerfull then everything else, does this mean your going to jump ship? Because you like graphics right?
Stating the obvious!
OF COURSE! I have been saying, the only reason why i am taking shots at Sony PS2 is the underwhelmingness of its hype vs graphics crap they throw around. Will PS3 change things? I hope so, good gfx for all, but it better not get drowned in the usual Sony HyPE, again!