Brimstone said:
Paul said:
And what makes you so sure that both the consoles would be the same technology wise? If anything PS3 will blow Xbox2 away if they are released at the same time, Intel won't have anything that can touch a 1tflops Cell, and im doubting Nvidia would be able to match the GS3 spec wise for a while.
Technology wise I just don't feel there will be a big difference. The PS 3 may have a more elegant design compared to a legacy x86 architechture of a X-Box 2, but the advantages gained by Sony having a highly customized design will hardly be that great. Microsoft just feeds off of the PC industry which all the time upholds Moores Law regardless of architechture. Sony isn't going to blow away Moores Law.
There will be a difference...
First, Sony going the custom route and having spent all these years with IBM and Toshiba on a brand new architecture not as restrained by backward compatibility as IA-32 is has a quite nice performance advantage over Intel processors available at the same time as Intel processors...
Intel processors run very varied workloads and try to be as good as they can in all of them... Your Pentium 4 has to run Windows fast and also your games and also your Word Processor, your compiler, etc...
The PlayStation 3 Cell CPU has a more clear performance target and typical workload and this gives it an advantage.
It is not like Cell will not be good in general computing, it won't just be phenomenal in it, certainly not as good as it will run multi-threaded applications, applications that are based on streaming huge amounts of data and applications which deal with vecotr processing.
Moore's Law is too slow for Intel to start for MS in this year ( or even last year ) a new processor that matches Cell and it is also IA-32 backward compatible ( and with more than decent performance in it... )...
A current 3.06 GHz Pentium 4 yelds 12 GFLOPS... 1 TFLOPS = 83x
Even if we talked about 120 GFLOPS this would be 10x the performance increase... if you double the performance even every 6 Months you have 2 years * 12 / 6 = 4 product cycles and only 8x increase in FP performance.
Also Microsoft should have announced such an humongous task to Intel and paid lots of dollars for it a good while ago... Intel is busy with the IA-64 line, their Strong ARM branch and the R&D of their next generation IA-32 core ( after Prescott )...
Neither Intel nor IBM could design such a CPU in such a short ammount of time...
another advantage in owning the IP of the CPU and manufacture it yourself is being able to lower the manufacturing costs faster: new manufacturing process ready ? Perfect, a team is assigned to shrink the die and tadaaah after a certain while ( not THAT long as this research is basically done almost in parallel to the research on the new manufatcuring process ) we have a smaller CPU and we have cut the cost per CPU...
When you have contracts with 3rd parties to build the chips for you, you are in a less advantagious position... for example, you cannot re-negotiate the price until the current large batch of processors as been shippd and sold to you... even if Intel is now 3 manufacturing processes ahead, if you could not sell what you were getting and asked Intel to slow down the rate they sent you CPUs at, you could not easily ( unless you are willing to pay huge premiums ) renegotiate a new contract and a new price...
An advantage of going the custom route is to pack the exact technologies YOU need, not what the market itself brings to you... it might cost a bit, but it can be worth it
I do not recal if Microsoft makes as much money per Xbox as Sony does per PlayStation 2
Microsoft will go with "standard" IA-32 ( maybe x86-64 ) and custom nVIDIA GPU because most of the 3D graphics processing will not be done on the host CPU... the Xbox 2 will NOT need a CPU as powerful as Cell...
I am not saying that over-all the Xbox 2 will not be comparable performance wise from the PlayStation 3, but this is not a bad thing, not even from the business point of view... think about GCN and Xbox... who went the more custom route ? GCN... Whose's HW was still comparable yet much more expensive to manufacture ? The Xbox...
The real bad scenario would be if a company were to use custom technology and paid a lot of money to another company to design this custom HW and to manufacture it for them... this would be the worst of both worlds and even worse...