Someone please help me with my internet connection!!

I'm using Silvermead's satellite service. It comes through my Sky TV dish so it didn't cost anything to setup, which is why I chose it. It costs me £30 a month ($48.) Unfortunately, though, it has a rather strict download limit (3gb per month).

But luckily Silvermead are changing there service soon. ATM they're reselling a service from PlanetSky. But they now have there own space on the Sky satellite and are going to bring out there own service that will be the same price but with no download limits. So I'm looking forward to that :)

Talking of pings, that's the most annoying thing about this sat service, the latency. But appart from that its excellent. I was downloading a video of Star Wars: Rebel Strike the other day, 17mb. Usually that would have taken me almost an hour and a half. But with this service I got it in 2 and a half minutes. :D
ah, yes. You're lucky to be in europe, here in the states youre pretty much stuck with DirecTV's satellite service. I dont know if its any better now, but it used to be that there was a 384Kb downstream max BUT it was usually anywhere between 1.2Kb to 64Kb, and totally random at that. not to mention 1200+ pings and the damned FCC wont let someone not certified install it which means you pay an extra 300 USD/EUR (~£450) for that.
Yeah there seems to be loads of different sat internet companies over here. Also its pretty cheap to get a dish installed. Free if you get Sky TV. Sky gave me the dish and TV box for free and installed everything for free too. So all I had to pay was the monthly subscription of £16 :) Then I started using the equipment for sat internet, so no setup charge there either, just the monthly subscription.

Still I'd probably prefer wireless, since it has very good pings and I love playing battlefield 1942. Or I did when I had ISDN anyway, its unplayable with this modem. But wireless still hasn't gotten to my area, although it is spreading gradually accross the country ATM.
yeah, over here the damned government thinks it has the right to controll any and all broadcast transmissions, and the bi-directional satellite falls under that. I dont think they have the right to controll it like that.
no, only American Fascists believe its "free"


.....and that their votes actually mean schitt