So my GF & I broke up after 1.5 years.........

Apoc said:
Exactly, if religion is more important to him that her, it means she deserves someone better.

Or worse, it's just a matter of points of view here. You could reverse that thought of yours, you know...
Crisidelm said:
Or worse, it's just a matter of points of view here. You could reverse that thought of yours, you know...

Maybe it's just here (in Spain) most people just keep religions out of their lifes. I don't know a single one that is religious (some believe in "something", but that's all, no churchs, no nothing religion-based). It seems people there are more "believer".

I, for myself (and all my friends, I've asked), would broke friendship with anyone who thinks religion is more important that the one you love, for me it's like being insane, but maybe it's the way we are here.
I think kp did the right thing. dont get on him cause of his religion ro choice to wait for a mate with the same religious views. good for you kp.
blakjedi said:
I think kp did the right thing. dont get on him cause of his religion ro choice to wait for a mate with the same religious views. good for you kp.
Yeah, I must agree. You gotta be able to at least reach common ground on the whole religious issue for a serious relationship to work out.

I'm not gonna make any judgements about which viewpoint is the correct one since this ain't really the thread for it, but I think you and her will both probably be better off in the long run without each other....your religious differences are just too extreme to over come and would just worsen as your relationship deepened.
Apoc said:
I, for myself (and all my friends, I've asked), would broke friendship with anyone who thinks religion is more important that the one you love, for me it's like being insane, but maybe it's the way we are here...
[mode joke on]
Talking about intollerance!
[mode joke off]

Now seriously, if you broke friendship with someone who doens't share the same point of view of yours, wouldn't that mean that you weren't good friends even before?
I am a Catholic, and I have friends who are believers, others who are 100% atheists, and others who have different beliefs, and I don't have a single problem with that.
BTW, for Catholics now, you can have a regular Church wedding with someone who's not Catholic (and will not be).
Thanks digi, you've pretty much summed it up.

blakjedi, thanks for the support.

Chrisidelm, her & I still very good friends. As a matter of fact we were laughing about some of our great times together when we last talked. I have athiest freiends, protestant friends, gay friends, etc.

But when it comes to getting married, I want to minimize the chances of divorce (approaching the situation statistically) because of the effect divorce can have on children (children being one of the primary reasons for getting married). I don't know about elsewhere, but in the U.S. the two main reasons for divorce are 1) money and 2) religion. Money isn't a problem for me.

I did ask her if she would be willing to go to church with me, just to see how she felt about it. But she just kept pushing back. After awhile I just gave up on the issue, really.