Sleeping and significant others

Tagrineth said:
Sleeping alone is sleeping lonely, to me...
Yeah, but it's been a looooong time for me since I have. If it wasn't my wife it was one of the kids, if it wasn't one of the kids one or both of the cats, if not one of the cats one of the dogs...

Dang it, I love my rollicking happy/loving family. Remind me to never take it for granted. :)
digitalwanderer said:
Dang it, I love my rollicking happy/loving family. Remind me to never take it for granted. :)
As soon as you take it for granted, we'll smack you with a shovel. Kay?

And yes, sleeping alone sucks.
John Reynolds said:
I woke up cold last night. The wife had pulled all the covers off me. So I gave her a little taste of the back of my hand for her impertinence.

Dear god you sound like my old lady. :devilish: j/k

I often "steal the blankets" and "hog the bed". I always use the default excuse that "I'm just trying to cuddle" of course I have no recollection of just WTF she is talking about. When I go to bed it usually takes about 5 min or less to get to sleep. I sleep pretty hard too. Even if she took the sheets I'd likely sleep solid.
I think i'm a "huggger" too. Genuinly, if i'm in bed with someone i just tend to hug them, and if i'm asleep i think that turns into "pushing them out of the bed".
Obviously, only at an acceptable temperature, cause i get VERY VERY irritable when it's hot and people try to hug me. And you don't wanna see me when i'm irritable.
I have trouble sleeping if I have any sort of contact with another person (with a few exceptions)... though it's very relaxing, strangely. I actually went one entire night hugging a lover... I swear on my life I got no sleep that entire night... I was totally aware of everything the entire time... and yet when the morning came and we got up, I felt totally rested.
Tagrineth said:
I have trouble sleeping if I have any sort of contact with another person (with a few exceptions)... though it's very relaxing, strangely. I actually went one entire night hugging a lover... I swear on my life I got no sleep that entire night... I was totally aware of everything the entire time... and yet when the morning came and we got up, I felt totally rested.

Weirdo... :devilish:

I wonder if there are psychhological reasons behind these behaviours.....
Hehe, I love sleeping in the same bed as someone - in many ways I find it more intimate than actual sex. Unfortunately for them, I'm also a frolicking/rolling/cover stealing/etc type with the worst bed-ettiquette-possible :p Since I sleep like a rock, I never have any recollection of anything either. Instead I wake up, give my guy a kiss on the cheek, and get out of bed all rested and happy. My guy, on the otherhand, gets up all cranky, having gotten no sleep after enduring a night of being pushed around and kicked LOL :p (I have actually elbowed someone in the face while sleeping before.. multiple times...)

This would probably explain why I'm single :?

(Although by the end of my last relationship, we were pretty used to each other and could fall asleep and actually sleep through the night "spooning")
london-boy said:
Tagrineth said:
I have trouble sleeping if I have any sort of contact with another person (with a few exceptions)... though it's very relaxing, strangely. I actually went one entire night hugging a lover... I swear on my life I got no sleep that entire night... I was totally aware of everything the entire time... and yet when the morning came and we got up, I felt totally rested.

Weirdo... :devilish:

I wonder if there are psychhological reasons behind these behaviours.....

Not one clue. But, after that, I made a point of backing away a bit so I could actually sleep. :) And from that point until a forced separation, I was quite happy every night... :)
You guys who are able to sleep with your significant others should be grateful. I'm going to tomorrow, I'm so excited! :)
Tagrineth said:
I have trouble sleeping if I have any sort of contact with another person (with a few exceptions)... though it's very relaxing, strangely. I actually went one entire night hugging a lover... I swear on my life I got no sleep that entire night... I was totally aware of everything the entire time... and yet when the morning came and we got up, I felt totally rested.

yeah I'm the same way mostly. i got to sleep with someone once and it was fantastic although I kept waking up every few minutes. but, in the morning, i felt completely rested! i guess i was probably waking up because it was so hot i was soaked in sweat and she had me squeezed against the wall on my little twin-sized mattress (got a top-o-the-line queen now though :D )

i can manage to sleep on my own but i have to have something to hug and cuddle with (usually I'm stuck with just a pillow although I'm considering a [link=]realdoll[/link]) however i have the hardest time getting to sleep and almost never feel rested when i wake up. it usually takes me an hour or more to get to sleep on my own. Although, the last several years up until about 4 months ago I had my cat sleeping with me even though she insisted on sleeping on my feet and wouldnt let me hug her. it helped a lot.
John Reynolds said:
I woke up cold last night. The wife had pulled all the covers off me. So I gave her a little taste of the back of my hand for her impertinence.
Just as long as you didn't wake her up.
When we first got married my wife would whack me in the face sometimes in her sleep. She then started sleeping with her arms under the covers and that ended. I like sleeping with her, even though she is late, and I am early (sleeper, riser). But she is a space heater, I have to fall asleep with out any covers, then at like 2am wake up and get under the covers.
My wife decides in the middle of the night she's too warm and throws all the covers on me.

I sleep though it and wake up in the morning drenched in sweat.