My lovely weekend. . .

John Reynolds

Ecce homo
and the GI virus that decided to nest itself within my body. Was getting Megan ready for bed Friday night when I started feeling queasy in my stomach. This was around 8:30pm. Got her to bed, laid down on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket with a glass of water, and watched TV for the next three hours. I started nodding off around midnight so I thought I'd better just get upstairs to bed. Stood up, and suddenly felt my entire torso spasm. I threw up in my mouth and realized I better make a dash for the nearest bathroom. Fortunately I made it in time, though what followed was hardly pleasant. Let's just say my leftover lasagna tasted much better going down for lunch earlier in the day than it did coming back up. Repeatedly. My skin then broke out into a horribly clammy sweat as I felt my heart start to race pretty badly. I'm a pretty anxiety-free person, but I got really freaked out because I just attended the memorial service that afternoon of someone from work who died of a massive heart attack at age 45; worse yet, I'd taken an ECA (yes, ephedra) pill earlier before my cardio workout. I felt my hearing and vision both start to go, signs of my blood pressure dropping, so I very manly yelled for my wife, the nurse, who was upstairs asleep. She ran downstairs to find me half-passed out on the half-bath floor, covered in sweat and hyperventilating. Fortunately, my aim is pretty good so she didn't step in anything in the dark. She got a washcloth and started wiping off my rather spacious forehead, realizing that I had a bad fever and was quickly dehydrating from the amount of projectile vomiting I'd just engaged in. After about 15 minutes I was able to stand and made my way to bed, while poor Melissa decided to avoid my fetid breath my sleeping on the couch. Roughly an hour later in bed I felt my torso spasm again and ran for the upstairs bathroom where an even worse case of projectile vomiting commenced. I thought my stomach was going to come up since it wouldn't stop heaving more fluids up. . .not even after my worst drunken bender as a young man have I ever vomited like this. The sweating and hyperventilating started again, but I didn't yell for my wife since I didn't want to wake Megan up. Made it back to bed and slept very fitfully until around 7. Woke up, walked downstairs, changed clothes, sat down in front of the computer, and felt my heart start racing horribly, with bad chest pain. Yelled for Melissa, again, and as she entered the room I told her I was passing out since my vision was tunnelling and I was losing my hearing. I pitched forward out of my computer chair and Melissa later told me she jumped back out of the way as I hit the floor (nicely carpeted, so no damage done to it from my head). Was kind of scary since I couldn't take my mind off of my deceased co-worker, who died only three years older than my current age.

So I spent all of Saturday in bed, eating popsickles (I highly recommend grape flavor) and watching basic cable. I vaguely recall watching an A&E bio on Andre the Giant, Gladiator with Russell Crowe, and a lot of other junk. I napped sporadically throughout the day, though, but no more vomiting. Just basically stayed away from Megan since she'd already been sick earlier this past week. Ended up falling asleep around 9 and not getting up until 8 the next morning. I'm feeling a little better now, just ate a piece of dried toast, my first solid food since Friday night's dinner, but I still feel like I have needles being driven into my stomach and intestines. And a lovely case of diarrhea appears to be setting in at this point, though I'm happy to an extent that my bowels are moving. It's the little things in life, I tell 'ya.
Sorry to hear John, sickness sucks and it sounds like you got a nasty case of whatever it is. :???:

Piece of advice friend to friend, stay the hell away from ephedrine!!!!! That shit is just a body fuck and trouble waiting to happen, if you need a speeder there are a lot safer/better herbal compounds/extracts that can do the same thing but without the associated risks of heart attack/health problems.

Personally I stay away from all of 'em now, but I used to be into it in me younger days. The only upper I take anymore is caffeine, but it's got me by the short and curlies! ;)

Popsicles are good, as are ice chips. If toast is too much some saltines can sometimes stay down when all else fails.

I hope you feel better soon, I'd offer my special anti-nausea treatment but I'm pretty sure you have to do piss tests at your job....
Wow sorry to hear about that. Even though I hate to say, I did giggle at some of your writing (I love stories). I can see your humor coming through. Glad to hear you're doing better. Hopefully, this will be an incident you'll talk about years down the road, without it ever happening again.

But come on, grape? That's like the worst flavor ever. :)

On the ephedra though, I had to stop taking about 5 years ago, because it was messing with my prostate. Never had any issues before though, so go figure. I loved that stuff though.
De-fizzed 7-Up was the sovereign "you'll be able to keep this down no matter what" drink in our house. Dunno why.

Hope you're feeling better soon, nothing worse than being sick over Christmas.
OH yeah that is similar to what happened when I went to India after 8 guts hurt so bad that it felt like it was being ripped out...and yeah I had the most amazing amount of sweat pour out of my body as well...I thought I was having a heart attack and I am only 25!!