Sleeping and significant others


Does anyone else have immense difficulty falling asleep with their significant other?

Already im a light sleeper and on serious meds for insomnia. But add a gf to the room, and it just complicates things tremendously. Theres absolutely no way I can fall asleep in these situations.

1) They always steal covers, hog bed area and end up squishing me into a tiny fraction of what i should be; lingering on the precipice of falling off.

2) They are really warm. I can't sleep unless the temperature is perfect, two bodies in the same bed is 1 too many as far as im concerned. I can definitaly buy the whole sharing body heat in cold climates spiel, judging by what one can do at room temperature.

3) Every time your hand moves by something 'soft' and 'curvy', whatever was asleep, tends to reawaken.

Basically, its gotten to the point that I have to warn people before we hook up, that I might leave the room and sleep on the sofa. That its not 'them' and not to take it personally, etc etc. Of course, it usually ends up some dramatic confrontation where I end up looking like the schmuck.

Life is tough!
Does anyone else have immense difficulty falling asleep with their significant other?

You need Viagra. :LOL:

1) They always steal covers, hog bed area and end up squishing me into a tiny fraction of what i should be; lingering on the precipice of falling off.

2) They are really warm. I can't sleep unless the temperature is perfect, two bodies in the same bed is 1 too many as far as im concerned. I can definitaly buy the whole sharing body heat in cold climates spiel, judging by what one can do at room temperature.

3) Every time your hand moves by something 'soft' and 'curvy', whatever was asleep, tends to reawaken.

1. Buy a larger bed?

2. Turn on your air con when you go to sleep.

3. Stop moving while you're sleeping.
Yeah, I find sleeping with my g/f can be a real pain. The trouble starts before we even get into bed (I'm early morning person, and tend to go to bed early, whereas she's late night/late morning type).

Then there's the bedclothes -- she like a bed with the bedclothes tucked in tight, very restrictive, that just gives me claustrophobia. I prefer loose bedclothes, and sort of wrap up in them.

Then she does do the duvet-rustling thing, pinching all the bed clothes. It's like sleeping with a 10kW heater too (though given she's got all the bedclothes it's hardly suprising!). I'm a fidget, which wakes her up and irritates her. So sometimes I do have to leave and sleep on the sofa.

So... yeah doesn't sound like you're alone Fred :)

Women, can't live with 'em, can't live with 'em.
Just something to get used to, depends on how often she is there, if it's only occasionally then it can be hot and bothering for sure.. :)
Your description sounds familiar, Fred. I can't remember how many times I woke up on the last foot of the edge of the bed.

To stay on topic (How is it possible that everytime a new thread is started on the General Forum, someone has to turn it into a Gay thread!!!?), it looks like the original poster is just too used to sleeping on his own....
I've grown to prefer sleeping with someone. Mainly because of the non-sleeping time spent, but hey...
Me and my wife didn't sleep together for the first few years we were married, we had seperate bedrooms.

It wasn't until my son was born that we started sharing a bedroom, and it took us a while to get used to it...but now I do prefer it and sleeping alone feels very lonely to me.
digitalwanderer said:
Me and my wife didn't sleep together for the first few years we were married, we had seperate bedrooms.

It wasn't until my son was born that we started sharing a bedroom, and it took us a while to get used to it...but now I do prefer it and sleeping alone feels very lonely to me.
:oops: WHAT? WHY? HOW?
london-boy said:
Separate bedrooms?
When I first moved in with my wife we weren't "officially dating", we were just "good friends" as it made her parents a whole lot happier about the situation. She had just bought the house, (I still have my suspicions that she just bought it so I could have a place to live, but she denies that to this day), and it's a 3 bedroom house so we each had our own bedroom and an extry one.

When we got married about a year and a bit later we kept seperate bedrooms mainly because of the dogs. We had two 1 year old puppies who both slept in my queen-sized full-motion waterbed with me and it wasn't really all that appealing to me wife as both puppies were about 50lbs by then. If I slept in her king-sized motionless waterbed we almost had enough room to sleep together with the puppies, but since one of 'em tended to cuddle with me and try and butt me wife out of her way it didn't work out so hot.

So we kept our seperate rooms. Besides, I was working a rotating swing-shift at US Steel at the time and tended to sleep weird and changing hours. I had blankets over my windows to block out all the light just so I could sleep and it worked out pretty good.

Puppies grew, life progressed, our son was born. 8)

That changed everything and in huge ways. We still had a spare bedroom which became the nursery and again life progressed. (And I screwed up, it was when my daughter was born I lost me bedroom. :oops: )

Then my daughter was born and my bedroom got redone and painted dark blue and became my son's room as my daughter got the nursery, and I moved into my wife's bedroom which I STILL have trouble calling "our" bedroom.

I haven't fully moved into "our" bedroom still, I think we're going to redo it soon....but I have gotten used to sharing a bed with my wife and a puppy or two. (Regular mattress bed now, the waterbed left with the first pregnancy. :( )

I miss my waterbed, I still got it disassembled in the basement and I plan to re-assemble it when I finally clear out half the basement and build myself my ultimate Digilair. (I figure every ultimate computer room NEEDS a queen-sized waterbed in it. ;) )

That's it. Nothing big, but a long read anyways. :p
london-boy said:
Wow, that's one weird story... weren't u all over each other and stuff?
You mean sex? Hell yeah! But when it came to bedtime we'd end up in our own bedrooms.

We fell asleep in the same bed a lot, and it was about an even split on which one we'd wake up in if we both went to sleep at the same time....but I kept all my clothes and such in mine and really did end up sleeping with the puppies in there most of the time. :)

It worked out well then, this works out well now. Me and my wife are an odd coupling at times, but we're a great one and our relationship has just grown better and better over the years. :)
I woke up cold last night. The wife had pulled all the covers off me. So I gave her a little taste of the back of my hand for her impertinence.

We used to have a comic labelled Bed Wars that depicted two tanks firing on each other in a bed hanging on our fridge door.