Single best book/movie/song/game/article ever


Certified not a majority
What is the single best one for you? No lists, just one? It can be fiction, news, scientific or whatever. But only the single best one. No seconds or thirds or whatever!

For me, that would probably be "The Forever War", a book by Joe Haldeman. I've got lots of other things in all categories that scores very high, but that one is in my top spot.
hmm read the forever war + forever peace + forever free about 4 months ago thought they were crap but hey each to their own

sonic youth - dirty boots
the pop song that is the closest to perfection
Pete Standing Alone - Boards Of Canada

...though to be honest I can listen to most of their music and at the time I'll be thinking 'This is the best tune ever'. :)
There's four movies that I consider to be very precious but I won't cheat and mention all of them. I would say out of those four The Talented Mr. Ripley would smidgen them out as the best. This movie struck me very deeply. There's especially one scene in the movie where Ripley says "I'd rather be a fake somebody than a real nobody."
Jeez, this is an incredibly tough question. Once during an interview I was asked rather dramatically, "what has been the scariest experience in your lifetime?" but this is much tougher...

I wasn't even sure which medium has the most immediacy for me. But in the end I've settled on a film... *drumroll*

Ghost Dog (Way of the Samurai)

The themes and the way they were covered moved me like nothing else.

(When I say it moved me, I mean relatively. To the outside observer I would've still appeared my usual placid slob...)
How about book series? Sword of Truth, the most mature "real" fantasy i've read.
My favourite film of all time is Kodak KodaColour Gold
I think that would be alike to me saying that my favourite medium of all time is probably the internet. But nothing I ever read there makes it in my top 10 of best media pieces ever.
The Oddesy
Blade Runner
Concerto for Three Violins - Vivladi
Simulated apoptosis/neurogenesis regulates learning and memory capabilities of adaptive neural networks
If we go by impact at the time, I guess I'd either have to go with the 17 times I saw the first (the *real* first) Star Wars in the theater those first three summers they released (and re-released) it. . . . or the fact that I read Terry Brooks "The Sword of Shannara", all 700+ pages, in one sitting, starting in the morning and staying up nearly all night to finish.

The old crack is "The Golden Age of Science Fiction is. . . . 13". Guess how old I was in the summer of 1977? :LOL:
The old crack is "The Golden Age of Science Fiction is. . . . 13". Guess how old I was in the summer of 1977? :LOL:
Yes, definitely.

But I think it goes further than that. As you develop, the emotional content might go down, but you get a better appreciation for the things that resonate deeply with how you see yourself. They keep their value and impact better, so to say.
I tried hard but the only things I can single out are a book ("The Man Who Fell to Earth" by Walter Tevis) and a game (Doom 2). Music or movie - no chance.
Games: Marathon series. It's hard for me to separate them into individual games, since they flow into each other so much (Marathon 2 is a direct continuation of Marathon with a nice cryosleep interlude, and Marathon: Infinity is... uhhhh... yeah...). But the final graphic of M:I is just... holy crap. Durandal remains the best character ever in a game.