Since when does it take a year to drain 6ft of water?


Retarded moron
It doesn't make any sense.
It takes 352.7265 units of time for the amount of water to reach 0ft in the tank.

Who comes up with this crap?
Can someone tell me if there is any realistic basis for such a model?
My equation in my assignment.

That is no use. That is like asking us why a piece of string is 7.56cm long.

How big is the container for the water, how big is the hole in the container. You can't expect any help unless you give people enough information to help.

What do you find unbeleiveable about the answer?
It's actually in seconds and classed as acceleration relative to gravity.
The problem is that the number doesn't make any sense.
I've confirmed my results several times by hand and by Maple but the number doesn't make much sense.

That is no use. That is like asking us why a piece of string is 7.56cm long.

How big is the container for the water, how big is the hole in the container. You can't expect any help unless you give people enough information to help.

What do you find unbeleiveable about the answer?

Smartass. :p

A year ago.
Don't forget that the mass of the water will decrease over time and so the flow rate will reduce as well.

If you have confirmed the answer by hand and by your math package then I fail to see why you are still confused by the issue.

The problem is that I simply cannot picture it.
Maybe my equation doesn't take enough factors into consideration.

I'm thinking whether I should complicate it to the point of using quantum mechanics theory to try and get a more realistic result.
It's not part of the assignment but it would help me.