Silent Hill3 OMG!

Just finished the game the first time, took about 10 h.
I think I got the 'normal' ''happy' ending. There is supposed to be another 'bad' ending too.
In the end it says I got extra costume and lightsabre. Haven't found the lightsabre yet, the costume is nice. Must try the Douglas in underwears code.

I liked this game a lot. I haven't played the first one, but played SH2. You'll probably get more out of the story if you know the story of Silent Hill 1.

SH3 had more memorable moments than SH2, and some of the images are totally weird and disturbing (the monster turning the squeaking wheel and those legs wiggling above, and the room with the mirror :oops: )

But I too liked the story and mood of SH2 better, must be because I found it harder to identify with Heather than with that guy whose name I don't now remember.
SH2 had this constant sad tone, the main character never smiled. Whereas in SH3 Heather is a happier (stronger?) person, and the fine flux between hope and despair that was always present in SH2 is replaced with confusion that Heather is feeling through the game.

A great game nevertheless, sometimes scarier thatn SH2, but in a different way.

Deepak: yes, it does include the fog. There is more of it, but at the same time there is less...
I haven't seen the UFO ending myself, according to Gamefaqs there should be one, but no one seems to be sure how to get it.
Yea the room with the mirror, when the bathtub started leaking blood and the image of Heather freeze´s, real creepy.
The amusementpart probably has the best gfx i´ve ever seen not too talk about the chapel, the candle lights. wow!
My copy of Silent Hill 3 is at the post office, I can get it tomorrow.

I can take some movies and shots to show the difference between the different options tomorrow.
Does the game still have Dolby surround sound effects like Silent Hill 2?
SH2 had some kind of pseudo surround produced through the stereo speakers. I think SH3 does the same just using different technology. I have yet to try to switch my amp to surround mode and see how it sounds on all the speakers..
Maskrider, just got the SH2 opening video from your site... interesting that the PAL release (which you captured I assume) doesn't have dialog in the opening movie. The NA Xbox and PS2 version does.
zurich said:
Maskrider, just got the SH2 opening video from your site... interesting that the PAL release (which you captured I assume) doesn't have dialog in the opening movie. The NA Xbox and PS2 version does.

The SH2 videos were from the Japanese version, it has dialog but only at the beginning and the end, SH3 is PAL but I selected NTSC, that's why all video are in NTSC.
maskrider said:
zurich said:
Maskrider, just got the SH2 opening video from your site... interesting that the PAL release (which you captured I assume) doesn't have dialog in the opening movie. The NA Xbox and PS2 version does.

The SH2 videos were from the Japanese version, it has dialog but only at the beginning and the end, SH3 is PAL but I selected NTSC, that's why all video are in NTSC.

Ahhh. Well, atleast the NTSC ver has voice during the entire intro :) "Put a gun to their head... POW!"

I always wondered what SH2 would have been like w/Japanese dialog :p
zurich said:
maskrider said:
The SH2 videos were from the Japanese version, it has dialog but only at the beginning and the end, SH3 is PAL but I selected NTSC, that's why all video are in NTSC.

Ahhh. Well, atleast the NTSC ver has voice during the entire intro :) "Put a gun to their head... POW!"

I always wondered what SH2 would have been like w/Japanese dialog :p

I play the SH2 Japanese version with English voice only. Hadn't considered playing with Japanese voice. :D
I play the SH2 Japanese version with English voice only. Hadn't considered playing with Japanese voice.

The North American release has an option for Japanese text, but not voices =/ (is there a Japanese voice track?!)
zurich said:
I play the SH2 Japanese version with English voice only. Hadn't considered playing with Japanese voice.

The North American release has an option for Japanese text, but not voices =/ (is there a Japanese voice track?!)

Just tried the Japanese option (I had never tried it before), only the subtitle changed, the voice is still in English.
london-boy said:
is the lip-sync in english or japanese? SH2 was in english if i remember correctly...

Capturing a sequence for you and you check if it is in English. I think it is, but lip-sync is a bit off IMO.
Just tried the Japanese option (I had never tried it before), only the subtitle changed, the voice is still in English.

Yea thats what I thought... strange though, Konami being a JP company and all ;) The Dog Squence is in Japanese though :LOL: :LOL:
maskrider said:
london-boy said:
is the lip-sync in english or japanese? SH2 was in english if i remember correctly...

Capturing a sequence for you and you check if it is in English. I think it is, but lip-sync is a bit off IMO.

Check the page again, there is 2 more movies, you can see the Extra New Game intro for lip-sync.

And added a transform costume sequence, too. I think that costume is totally not necessary and not suitable to be in this game.