Silent hill 3 WTF!!!

makes me wonder how they plan to top that in the Xbox version...

-referring to the rumor that the game will be ported to the Xbox in 2004, a rumor that has appeared in several french sites, probably as a response after Shinji Mikami said something about Poena (Punishment), a survival horror he's working on on the Xbox (also reported mostly by foreign websites)

Nod, the lighting in the videos is almost as good as the Xbox SH2's perpixel flashlight.
Heh, besides the light circle having smooth, round edges, the actual lighting (on the characters and such) in the Xbox version was pretty much the same looking as in the PS2 version. In this sequel, they have actually improved the way light affects the look of the models. As an example, just watch the scene where they sit in the car. Lighting is much more dramatic and realistic looking. Even in the scenes where the light is not nearly as dramatic, you can see those very subtle changes in shading when the characters move their heads, that make everything so much more realistic. The shadowing engine is also drastically improved. The game is just much better looking than SH2 was.
It is still very easy to tell SH3(screens and videos) is vertex lighting, sorry. :oops:
Oh, I'm not saying it can't be seen that it uses vertex lighting - although, honestly, I could see it from the videos, and from the released screenshots only few can clue you in that it indeed uses vertex lighting - it is just that the way objects look when lit is much better and more realistic. For example, people's faces appear to have more depth to them, etc.
Yeah, facial animation is flat out amazing in this game. So much effort obviously went into it.

Pana, it could be, but I don't think it's just that. Faces in SH2 also had distinct nose, rounded cheeks, etc, but their faces still looked much more 'flat' than here.
Marconelly, when the face is round already adding polys will add minimally to general detail, but will get you considerably better lighting... IMHO as SH2 models were detailed already...

another thing they give you is better animation if you spend time animating denser 3D meshes as you have more vertices you can shift around and such...
I see what you mean. However, I think there are other things that can contribute to quality of vertex lighting. For example, the calculation for the light fall off from lit to non-lit area may be done better or worse, perhaps?

I don't know if I'm making any sense, but with vertex lighting, every triangle in the lit area, basically has some kind of 'light gradient' painted over the main texture. Now, I think there must be different ways to calculate that gradient's position and angle as to minimize the triangular look popping out.
Are you talking about different ways of interpolating the lighting values coming from the tree vertices in the triangle ?... but how much can be done in that area ( and it doesn;t sound that easy to do either )... /me starts thinking
Re: héhé

ZoP said:
waiting here for Glonk to come and try bashing the game.
Who're you?

I'm not going to bash the game because I've never liked the Silent Hill series to begin with, just not my bag.

The graphics look impressive though. :)
I will admit, I don't know the math behind that type of lighting, I only know how it looks like. For example, in SH2, you can observe the edges of your light cone and in some rooms (especially the corridors) clearly see the triangular angles, where it fades to darkness. Now, when you slowly move the light around you can see that the light gradient actually moves across that triangle. It's not like each triangle has only one fixed way the light affects it, the light intensity actually changes over each triangle. I'm not sure if that process can theoretically be improved or not, though.
RaolinDarksbane said:
I will be surprised if they port it over considering how many units SH2:RD sold.

SH3 looks really good, definitely buying it.

for a late port, i'm sure that much would have covered the porting expenses already, not to mentioned MS probably have paid Konami to port that in the 1st place to boost the launch line up

we'll see i guess

marconelly! said:
I will admit, I don't know the math behind that type of lighting, I only know how it looks like. For example, in SH2, you can observe the edges of your light cone and in some rooms (especially the corridors) clearly see the triangular angles, where it fades to darkness. Now, when you slowly move the light around you can see that the light gradient actually moves across that triangle. It's not like each triangle has only one fixed way the light affects it, the light intensity actually changes over each triangle. I'm not sure if that process can theoretically be improved or not, though.

You mean like gourad shading vs flat shading :?:
You mean like gourad shading vs flat shading
Yes, something like that!

It may all be just higher poly models and better art direction, choices of color and texturing, I don't know. It just does look much better in the end, everything has much more depth and believability to it.

For example - shading this subtle, yet dramatic in the same time, was nowhere near like this in SH2:


I think this is the closest game that comes to looking like FF: TSW movie's graphics thus far. Sure there could be other games with more "bump mapping" "super extra combobulated textures" and whatnot, but I mean wow... their skin actually likes Not to mention the hair.
think this is the closest game that comes to looking like FF: TSW movie's graphics thus far. Sure there could be other games with more "bump mapping" "super extra combobulated textures" and whatnot, but I mean wow... their skin actually likes Not to mention the hair.
While it looks good, the skin on that girl's SH3 model looks too textured to be natural. I prefer the Shenhua skin tones where you can see the skin rosy in some spots and paler in others like on a real face. The same effect was used for the humans in the movie Shrek, doing a good job to convey the subtle redness that makes skin look realistic.