No, there's no point. For what it is the Ps4 Pro is good enough, it is supposed to run Ps4 games at 1800p/2160p checkerboard with some extras on top and more stable framerate. For them to hit 4k native at Ps4 quality they'd need to hit for at least 7-8 tflops GPU (and more vram) which would increase the cost dramatically, even if they could do it. Plus, I'm sure they are already planning on releasing the Ps5 (or whatever they end up calling it) and that would also mess the timing further. In terms of power and timing, the Pro is exactly where it needs to be imo. 2019-2020 is time for the next playstation anyway.
When you think about it: from Pro launch to Scorpio: some people waited 1 year for a 1.8 teraflop increase.. Waiting 2 more years from Scorpio for a +4 teraflop increase + an actual new CPU this time seems doable