Should I take physics subjects next semester?


Retarded moron
I'm thinking of doing it in conjunction with my computer science course.
Do you guys think this is a good idea?
It wont be the simple stuff either, I've already done advanced maths subjects and am now furthering them with my current maths subject.

This semester I will be done, so I want to take some quantum mechanics subjects.
NO, because if you do, you'll be making even more threads per day than now, asking for us to do your physics homework also in addition to maths/programming...
Guden Oden said:
NO, because if you do, you'll be making even more threads per day than now, asking for us to do your physics homework also in addition to maths/programming...

I was politely thinking it but remaining quiet :oops:
I have a friend majoring in Aerodynamics and so he has to take a lot of physics courses. He's a genius, but it's hard for him.
It may be hard but I bet he doesn't know that the good people of Beyond3D can answer all his questions. :D
K.I.L.E.R said:
It may be hard but I bet he doesn't know that the good people of Beyond3D can answer all his questions. :D
Mebbe he does. He's obsessed with videogames, he was so fast at registering for the x360 North America launch party that he got two tickets and gave on to a friend so that they could spend 30 hours straight gaming and he's constantly on game websites. He's really addicted to games, so maybe he's heard of here. It would hep him a lot since nobody he knows that is his age has ever taken math of that level. Everybody's becoming a lawyer these days....
Hey Chalnoth, what course are you doing?
I want to take some minor subjects from the course you're doing.

What would you recommend?
Since it'll be spammed all over the forums, take something we'd all be interested in. Like Boobies 101.

Edit - no, screw that. Make it the advanced class... for students with big hands.
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MuFu said:
Since it'll be spammed all over the forums, take something we'd all be interested in. Like Boobies 101.

Edit - no, screw that. Make it the advanced class... for students with big hands.

I want to know why this was never offered as an option at my Uni!

I have a pretty good idea who I'd like to lecturer such a course. I'll give you all a clue; it's not Barlett Bohansson.
Oooh, I wanna ask a question so irrelevent and vague that no one could possibly give me a good answer or even care!

Should I pursue my physics or computer science minor first? I'll be a sophomore next year and I'm taking 20 credits, and decided to take modern physics (concurrently with Physics 2) instead of a CS course.
Career wise, theres not much of a point to taking quantum mechanics if you are interested in comp sci.

It will just confuse you the first times you see it, its something most career physicists have been mulling over for years before taking the first course. Not to mention the math required will be quite a bit more sophisticated than anything you've seen. (Its heavy in Functional analysis, a good dose of complex analysis, bits of group theory at the intro lvl and perturbation theory) not to mention in quite a different notation than even math majors are used too.

So unless you are going into quantum computing, I'd stay clear of it.

If you are interested in gaming, I would take optics or signal analysis. If you really must take a physics course, take electro magnetism or thermodynamics as they have real life utility.
Bars suck.
I prefer to drink tea in my room naked.
As long as I keep the image in my mind that you're a drop-dead gorgeous college girl living in a lesbian sorority house, I'm fine with that. Anything else would qualify as too much information.

Do NOT spoil that image!! DO... NOT!!!
Unless you're heavy into physics, I'd recommend just picking up some books and reading those instead of taking a course where the marks count towards your GPA ;)

It was almost a mistake when I took an intro course to plasma physics and also taking photonics courses (two of them). (doh!) However, the alternatives were far worse for me.
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