Shenmue 3



"Shenmue Rips Up Next-Gen

Shenmue is, in our minds, one of the greatest game series of all time, in fact we could go all out and say it is the best, however that isn’t what this is about. After much deliberation, word has reached us that work on the third game in the series has already started and will be arriving on one of the next gen systems. While we don’t know which of the systems will get the game, we do know that it will be an amazing title."
Work on Shenmue 3 began right after Shenmue 2 dude, about three years ago. Nice to know you're still up-to-date though... ;)
Evil_Cloud said:
Work on Shenmue 3 began right after Shenmue 2 dude, about three years ago. Nice to know you're still up-to-date though... ;)
if your talking to me , then u should know i don't pay much attention to the xbox , i only borrowed one long enough to beat shenmue 2 .
jvd said:
if your talking to me , then u should know i don't pay much attention to the xbox , i only borrowed one long enough to beat shenmue 2 .
I think he's replying to SegaR&D, jvd. :D

BTW, last week i decided to play and finish Shenmue 2 on DC, i started playing it many moons ago, but i didn't go far and never picked the game again (because i was bored to death by Shenmue 1's third disc).
So what's the point you may say? Simple, first Shenmue 2 is 10X better than Shenmue 1, it's not even on the same league
and secondly, I found what I think is Emboss Bump Mapping in the game...

Yep BM in a Dreamcast game, meaning that now it's official DC > PS2! (Just kidding, people, just kidding :LOL: )

Near the beggining of the game you can find a medal (With Shenhua face on it, i think) and this medal seems to be Bump Mapped (Emboss, though, no dot3BM).

If you want to find it, then follow thoses steps:
A few days after the battle, in the restaurant in the street behind the fountain, against the guys who stole your backpack. Come back to the restaurant and talk to the waitress at the right of the counter, then you have the possibility to pay (a little) for the broken tables, etc... So, choose to pay, and then the woman will give you the medal, that you can access via your inventory.

I could take a few pics and video if my video capture card wasn't sleeping its eternal rest on the trash can.

And... Yes, i have to admit it, it's the biannual DC can do Bump mapping post.
jvd said:
Evil_Cloud said:
Work on Shenmue 3 began right after Shenmue 2 dude, about three years ago. Nice to know you're still up-to-date though... ;)
if your talking to me , then u should know i don't pay much attention to the xbox , i only borrowed one long enough to beat shenmue 2 .

Nah, was just talking to mister SegaR&D here. ;)
Johnny Awesome said:
I'll definitely buy whatever system as Shenmue. It'll probably be PS3.

Why PS3? I think Sega will just release it on whatever they can, to raise the cash they badly need. Even mobile phone Java game things if they have to.
Even microwaves.
PS3 is a good guess.

Considering the budget for the game.. I think that they'd want to get it out on the most popular console: enter PS3.

Although, you could make the argument that Xbox gamers are the most familiar with Shenmue after no.2. Then again, I saw it in the bargain bin for $11 about 6 months after it came out. It broke my heart, seeing as how I bought it at $50.
london-boy said:
Why PS3? I think Sega will just release it on whatever they can, to raise the cash they badly need. Even mobile phone Java game things if they have to.
Even microwaves.
I think the title will be too big and ambituous to aim it at all the platforms, though--especially with them going even more divergent next year. PS3 would be the most likely aim from "desire to sell the most" but Xenon would be more likely if they decide to link the game closer to tech and other advancements Shenmue Online would have as it would ease the development process some and could give the teams cross-assistance.
This age-old piece of news, reported who knows how long ago, on hindsight, probably refers to Shenmue Online.
london-boy said:
Johnny Awesome said:
I'll definitely buy whatever system as Shenmue. It'll probably be PS3.

Why PS3? I think Sega will just release it on whatever they can, to raise the cash they badly need. Even mobile phone Java game things if they have to.
Even microwaves.

Shenmue 2 & 3 = Xbox Exclusives.
Blade said:
Considering the budget for the game.. I think that they'd want to get it out on the most popular console: enter PS3.
Just out of curiosity, how do you already know the PS3 will be the most popular console? Its not like being #1 in one generation automatically translates into being #1 the next, have you been sleeping the past decade or two?
Gollum, I'm sure he hasn't been sleeping. If you want to discuss this topic take it to another thread and leave it out of here. This is your first warning.

SEGA has the money to finance a few Shenmue like money pots a year. Sammy has very deep pockets. Shenmue 3 has been in development ever since Shenmue 1 was released. Whatreally needs to be known is the amount of development that has gone into it.
If they can get shemue 3 out on the xenon in its first year i think it may be able to stand as the best looking game of the year (at least considering how good part one looked ) which may help it sell much better than if they waited for the ps3 . Not to mention they most likely have xenon dev kits and have had them for awhile
passerby said:
This age-old piece of news, reported who knows how long ago, on hindsight, probably refers to Shenmue Online.
A good point, but if they did use the phrase "one of the next gen systems" referring to it, it would point console-a-ways, and I believe Shenmue Online is only aimed at the PC, yes?
cthellis42 said:
passerby said:
This age-old piece of news, reported who knows how long ago, on hindsight, probably refers to Shenmue Online.
A good point, but if they did use the phrase "one of the next gen systems" referring to it, it would point console-a-ways, and I believe Shenmue Online is only aimed at the PC, yes?

Yes, and only in China & Korea at the moment. Japan will follow soon, and depending on the succes of the title, it will/will not be released in the West.
cthellis42 said:
passerby said:
This age-old piece of news, reported who knows how long ago, on hindsight, probably refers to Shenmue Online.
A good point, but if they did use the phrase "one of the next gen systems" referring to it, it would point console-a-ways, and I believe Shenmue Online is only aimed at the PC, yes?

Well Shenmue Online will be launched in most far east countries like Japan,China and Korea.The demand for it will be mostly from them since it has martial arts elements like kungfu.So far I believe Sony is the only one who has managed to penetrate these markets followed by Nintendo.I believed Sega has already made their presense in China and they already have a development team working on Shenmue Online itself over there.

Moreover,since Nvidia is now involved in Sony's next generation console it would would be a good chance Sega AM2 will develop Shenmue 3 for it based on their experiences with the NV2A.Suzuki-san's stance as well as Yuji's towards Sony has been changing lately.The PSP will be a good initial platform for their new titles.
Evil_Cloud said:
Yes, and only in China & Korea at the moment. Japan will follow soon, and depending on the succes of the title, it will/will not be released in the West.
Seems awfully weird for Sega to deliver there before Japan. I could see "right alongside" just fine, but...

I guess it may be driven more by JC Entertainment, which is Korean-based, and that localization effors and extra programming for other regions will take a while?