Shadowrun Trailer Xbox Live

Pretty sure it's a simultaneous release in order to promote the PC-Xbox360 interaction with Live Anywhere.
Small updates (from MS peeps, but still):

I wasn’t enthusiastic about what I saw at E3. On an internal RPG discussion list (yeah, we have corp supported discussion folders for RPG’s. one of the minor perks of working with 30,000 other geeks) my friend Philip posted “I heard the butchered it. Did they butcher it?†and I responded “If by butchered, you mean changed the date from 2050 to 2021, moved the game to Brazil instead of Seattle, broke the game down to either “you’re an Elven Shaman or Elven Mage,†and reimagined trolls as lizard skinned, bull horned brutes then yeah, I guess they butchered it. “ Philip took things a step further. On his blog, he posted a pretty scathing entry, ending it with “If you work for FASA and you are reading this then I welcome you to take the shuttle over to my office and punch me the face. Seriously: I won't be offended since your damn game just kicked me the metaphoric balls.†Harsh.

So apparently, when you blog something like that, here’s what happens: The manager of FASA studios, only two levels removed from Peter Moore himself, sends you an email saying “can we all come over and punch you in the face, or just one of us? Instead, why don’t you come over for lunch and let us show you the game. See if you change your mind.â€

From here:!8EB0A09330108B6C!386.entry

More here:

And here:
I'm still skeptical. It looks like a train wreck from what we've seen so far. I'm 95% in agreement with what MS does with X360, but this game falls into the other 5%. It really looks like they messed up a possibly great franchise.
heh, well according to one of the developer blogs, their funding is crap and probably about the same as MechAssault. That still doesn't excuse the fact that they're fitting the Shadowrun universe to a team multiplayer game. I would have thought the Shadowrun team would be getting more funding because they're also handling Vista.

At least Day 1 Studios had respect enough to set the MechAssault story as a prelude to the MechWarrior Dark Age universe a.k.a. not rewriting the story. And they were probably lucky with the first game being one of the first Live titles. And then they get minimal funding for the sequel. Seriously, MGS's attitude toward FASA IP makes them seem uncaring. I mean, they set the release date of MA2 three days after Christmas. Do they not care about getting attention for a game? :rolleyes: I digress...
New gameplay movie here.

Gfx wise it look XB+, gameplay looks generic too, althought from what they say in the backstage movie it may be better wait till more is know.
It might be fun from a pure gameplay standpoint, but it sure as heck doesn't look like it has anything to do with Shadowrun. With the poly's and effects they're pushing right now, I'd at least hope they'll achieve 200 fps with the hardware they're using.

Last I heard on their forums, the devs were being more open to changing some details of the storyline. It's a start, but they have a lot of work to do with presentation.
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heart & soul

scooby_dooby said:
I feel bad for all those people who ae obviously pouring their heart and sould into the game, and it's going to get absolutely ripped to shreds.

I have this same feeling my friend. I always wonder what I will feel if I make game and someone has very bad statements but also I think developer must be happy to have this "feedback" because then they can learn and make it better for next time so they can make more money. Sometimes also bad game result is maybe not fault of every developer but managers and marketing department who can make silly decisions for wrong reasons.

Also, I have not played Shadowrun but I think it has RPG aspects which is good. Graphics is not so great (like xbox game with more bump-map) but maybe developer is not so experienced for optimization for Xbox360 hardware and also maybe is xbox port. I dont know. I feel Xbox360 graphics can be much more amazing. Oblivion is very nice no?
Basically, every shred released about this game makes me want to have even less to do with it. <sigh>

I mean, I'm not a HUGE fan of the magicced-up-cyberpunk that is Shadowrun, but I've played in some campaigns, and what it is decidedly NOT is a FPS that makes you run through sub-par Lara Croft environments. >_<

They would have a chance if they were a FPS more in the Deus Ex mold, but they just seem to be buying out everyone's stock in pooches to screw.
The only hope for the fans is a sequel, at least that's what the devs hinted at on the forums. IF this first game does any good in sales... alas... I see history repeat itself ala MechAssault's legacy.

Anyhoo, for those interested, there is a post on their forums trying to explain what and why they're doing the things they're doing:

We understand that there are a lot of passionate views on this board and no small amount of frustration due to lack of answers from us here at FASA. Part of the reason we haven’t posted answers yet is that we’re still gathering feedback, something we started doing prior to E3. We do listen, and we’re considering changes based on your ideas.

The most important thing to state is that this game was born out of passion for the universe of Shadowrun. Our changes were made in an effort to translate the world onto a 21st century gaming platform in a way which would make it accessible and satisfying to a new and broader audience. This is not a “logo slap”. We did not put Shadowrun on top of a game that was already developed.

The game we’ve made is something we love dearly and play daily so we don’t take changes to it lightly. While we can’t talk about specifics as of yet, you can expect more news in the coming weeks. We can, however, talk about some of the elements of the game that will not be changing. We wanted to take some time to explain our rationale and give you greater insight into our thought processes.

More at the forum

(Pretty sure you don't have to register to see it).

Some of the more ridiculous things they seemed to introduce, like Resurrection... I got the impression they were willing to change the name of that to be more consistent with the classic Shadowrun (where Resurrection just doesn't exist). It's the little things that are least.
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