Shadowrun Trailer Xbox Live

scooby_dooby said:
This is a multiplay only game according to the shadowrin backstage video on marketplace.

My anticipation for this title just nose-dived BIG time.

Same here, lets hope they come tho their senses and after the release this stuff they will make a true next gen, single player RPG out of this. All this pushing MS does to have as many mutliplayer games as possible to promote live is getting a bit out of hand...
Literally looks like a Xbox game, and even for that its not impressive, so the gameplay'd better be frakin' awesome, or this is a hot candidate for biggest dissapointment of E3...

That sounds like PR and couldn't be further from the truth. First of all, Troika went under not because they were staying true to CRPG, but because the games they made were not good enough to sell well. The main problem was that they failed to produce high quality games.

"Frankly, we've had cyberpunk RPGs that were critically acclaimed and did not do much good for their developers."

such as????? I can't remember any.

He is completley wrong about NWN and NWN2. NWN was the game of the year and sold tons of copies. Not only that, they also are releasing modules online and are highly successful with them. NWN was bought by people who didn't even know what D&D is and the multitude of people bought it because of the single player campaign. Which is why Bioware is selling so many of the online distributed modules. Not only that, it has been so successful that Bioware is STILL releasing patches for it. STILL. In fact, they just released 1.67 which adds new features as well as fixes some bugs. Keep in mind this is something Bethesda and the like would CHARGE for. The patch actually added new content. NWN was very accessible to mainstream audiences and NWN2 developed by Obsidian(no relation to Bioware) will be even more so and still make the D&D audience happy.

"Okay D&D nerds, shut up for a second and hold on for NWN2 while we work on this other stuff which will please the 99% of the world that doesn't include you".

That has to be the most ignorant thing I have read in a long time. This is absent from the reality of what NWN and NWN2 are.

"We wouldn't have Jade Empire, KOTOR, Mass Effect if BioWare hadn't realized how important it is to make games that are accessible by mainstream audiences."

This is incorrect. These games are made to appeal to the console market. Thats why we have them. Bioware realized long before Jade Empire, KOTOR, and Mass Effect that they needed to appeal to a mainstream audience. Thats why they made NWN and it is STILL making them money.

"Shadowrun universe, doesn't that mean they will go out and buy the source books and give FanPro lots of money? Doesn't something like a cartoon become much more plausible, and then even if that doesn't match your vision of the world maybe the Shadowrun novels by folks like Tom Price will actually sell well instead of falling off the shelves as they have."

The problem is, is that the game doesn't correctly represent the Shadowrun universe. It is much more dark. It would be like taking Sin City and making it all "happy happy joy joy". It just doesn't make sense and isn't believable.

"Who knows, maybe FASA will make a sequel soon after this one. You really can't complain too much about them "rewriting the story", it's like a Tolkein maniac complaining that LOTR didn't have Tom Bombadil in it, normal people don't care, they got the atmosphere down so why not support them and let people get excited about this universe which you know is so cool?"

Again another false analogy. The inclusion of Tom Bombadil is not essential to the LOTR universe. The LOTR universe can exist without Tom Bombadil. The story can still be told without Tom Bombadil. If you made a game based on The Return of the King obviously Tom Bombadil wouldn't be in it, would he. To have a correct analogy it would be like making an LOTR game based on Fellowship of the Ring and not including Rivendell or Moria. As well as taking away the whole aspect of a quest as well. In fact, the only reason why the 7 have formed is to join in a Deathmatch against evil to Capture the Flag, err , I mean ring. Do you understand now?

They have such a rich world and they do this. They could have made a game that would have been a serious competitor to Mass Effect or Oblivion. We all know how well those games are going to do (ME) and are doing already (OB). Instead they regurgitated a game in the FPS genre.


Maybe you could refresh my memory. What is so different about this game? It sounds like either counterstrike, UT2004, or Tribes. Either way you put it, it isn't a unique game. It is the same old stuff we have seen before.
stupid stupid stupid. Why waste such a great franchise on a glorified version of counterstrike? Why not just create a new IP and center the game around that, it's not like any of the existing Shadowrun fanbase is going to want to play a non-rpg, multiplayer only FPS.

Should've made a new IP for this new counterstrike, and made Shadowrun into an RPG like it is supposed to be. Even a FPS RPG would've been ok. What a waste!
scooby_dooby said:
Should've made a new IP for this new counterstrike, and made Shadowrun into an RPG like it is supposed to be. Even a FPS RPG would've been ok. What a waste!

Completely agree. Actually, having just played Deus Ex 2 recently, I'd say that's more Shadowrun than this abomination ever hopes to be: side-missions and the biomods and the messed up state of the world.... each can be easily translated into a Shadowrun feature - actual shadowruns, cyberware, and the messed up state of the world. I just watched the gameplay vids, and I cannot point out anything that relates to Shadowrun except for a pointy ear. Seriously. W.T.F.

The game designers should be shot.:devilish:
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I thought shadowrun was meant to be a fairly gritty game (only played genesis one, though I was like 6 so don't really remember). This game looks like a shitty PDZ, which already looks pretty bad to begin with. Anyone smell the fart of Xbox -> X360 conversion like I do? Damn that's strong...
pakotlar said:
I thought shadowrun was meant to be a fairly gritty game (only played genesis one, though I was like 6 so don't really remember). This game looks like a shitty PDZ, which already looks pretty bad to begin with. Anyone smell the fart of Xbox -> X360 conversion like I do? Damn that's strong...

You are correct. To exemplify, take Sin City for instance. If I were to create a game based on Sin City, I wouldn't use a bright color pallete. Shadowrun has a dark, grim n gritty atmosphere. Would you take Sin City and create a game that looked like Viva Pinata. No.

The first time I saw the game was I waiting for them to say, "Got ya, we were just joking" "We had you there for a second, you actually believed we would make a game like this" You are so gullible". Unfortunately the joke never came.
CountZeroInt said:
The interview here is really cool and hopefully you can tell how passionate this team is in making this a fun game to pick up and play for hours on end:

I can imagine these guys streaming out of Willows Road at 9pm, 10pm, 11pm they work SUPER late on this game every single day for the past 3 years.

Sounds like we have one of those people paid to write on forums here. :rolleyes:
Wow, I just watched the marketplace "backstage pass" video and the game looks pitiful, and they have some guy with a mohawk talking about how great the graphics are while showing sceens of gameplay in envoroments that look like something out of the orignal Quake.
kyleb said:
Wow, I just watched the marketplace "backstage pass" video and the game looks pitiful, and they have some guy with a mohawk talking about how great the graphics are while showing sceens of gameplay in envoroments that look like something out of the orignal Quake.

I feel bad for all those people who ae obviously pouring their heart and sould into the game, and it's going to get absolutely ripped to shreds.

Who knows, maybe the gamepllay will be THAT good, and maybe teh GFX will improve, but right now, Shadowrun has failed to impress anyone at E3 and is looking like a giant flop.
Brought to you by the makers of KISS: Psycho Circus. . . the game with no KISS whatsoever.

Seriously though, I can't believe how bad this looks. Shadowrun fans won't play it because it apparently has very little to do with the spirit or the content of Shadowrun, and all the other gamers will avoid it because there are about 10 million deathmatch/CTF games out there that look better and more compelling.

When Shadowrun was first announced, the worst case scenario in my head was MMORPG. They actually managed to make it even worse than that.
FASA is hinting that they're might be more games based on the Shadowrun universe, while this is somehow a great news given that the game they showed at this E3 is an utter joke with regards to the SR license, I still do not understand why they chosed to release a Multiplayer FPS as the first game on X360...

Because, whatever happen, the videogame franchise will be screwed.
If the game bombs (looking at it, it has alll the chances in the world to bomb, that said), we can just as well write franchise off, seeing that no other project would be greenlighted anyway.
If the game is a success, the sequels will be in the same veins, obviously...

Seriously now, why did they have to call the game Shadowrun?
Vysez said:
Because, whatever happen, the videogame franchise will be screwed.
If the game bombs (looking at it, it has alll the chances in the world to bomb, that said), we can just as well write franchise off, seeing that no other project would be greenlighted anyway.

Unless the RPG version is currently in development as well. Some random guy on TXB said that the SP version was coming along very slowly, so they decided to split the MP out into it's own game. Now, that's not even worth a grain of salt, but it would be a nice surprise! Given the hints by FASA my hope meter is reading 1/10 for a SRPG version.
rounin said:
Sounds like we have one of those people paid to write on forums here. :rolleyes:

No probably not. I've played the bloody thing. Its quite good. The textures need some work and the models need a few more polys but that can be done before release without too much trouble. They ran into some issues porting from the initial dev enviroments over to the actual hardware but those things WILL get sorted out. The design team is quite good, with several of the people on the team having worked/designed multi-million sellers. They'll get it worked out.

The gameplay however is phenominal. Quite honestly it really is the next leap.

As far as people saying its not gritty enough for their taste, meh. I always viewed Shadowrun as having a glossy venier underlying the complex social issues that existed in the universe. It doesn't need to be Sin City in 2025. It need the fundamental elements of Shadowrun which is the convergence of magic and technology. It has that. It works well. I've played the other shadowrun games, and they were all pretty generic RPGs just set in the SR universe. This gets to the core of the game. It has capabilities that allow a lot of the character creation, but without all the stupid complexity of worrying about stats, etc.
aaronspink said:
No probably not. I've played the bloody thing. Its quite good. The textures need some work and the models need a few more polys but that can be done before release without too much trouble. They ran into some issues porting from the initial dev enviroments over to the actual hardware but those things WILL get sorted out. The design team is quite good, with several of the people on the team having worked/designed multi-million sellers. They'll get it worked out.

The gameplay however is phenominal. Quite honestly it really is the next leap.

As far as people saying its not gritty enough for their taste, meh. I always viewed Shadowrun as having a glossy venier underlying the complex social issues that existed in the universe. It doesn't need to be Sin City in 2025. It need the fundamental elements of Shadowrun which is the convergence of magic and technology. It has that. It works well. I've played the other shadowrun games, and they were all pretty generic RPGs just set in the SR universe. This gets to the core of the game. It has capabilities that allow a lot of the character creation, but without all the stupid complexity of worrying about stats, etc.

This game has a chance, but the competition is going to be SO stiff in 2007, they really need to have jaw dropping graphics or I don't see this getting too much attention.

One thing it has going for it is it might go on to great success on the PC which could drive awareness of the gameplay and thus increase console sales as word of mouth spreads.
scooby_dooby said:
This game has a chance, but the competition is going to be SO stiff in 2007, they really need to have jaw dropping graphics or I don't see this getting too much attention.

One thing it has going for it is it might go on to great success on the PC which could drive awareness of the gameplay and thus increase console sales as word of mouth spreads.

Will it get a PC port?